The First of Many Disasters

Start from the beginning

"Lady (Y/N) has forbade it."

"She is not in charge, I am!" Tomoe barked at the stubborn blue flames.

"Yes, but Lady (Y/N)'s words have power over you, and, in turn, us." The third flame stated.

"Fine then, I'll do it myself." Tomoe growled as the orbs of flame disappeared. At least, I want to. Why does my body stop responding when I want to help her?! Tomoe growled to himself. "Nanami, command me to find (Y/N)." Tomoe turned to the land god.

"What?" Nanami looked at him in confusion. "You hate it when I use sacred word binding."

"Just do it!"

"Alright." She sighed skeptically. "Tomoe, go find (Y/N)!"

He felt the familiar pull of her command, but the feeling quickly vanished. He looked down at his hands, the gold rings that usually pulled him to obey, were not there. He took a step in the direction he'd seen (Y/N) flying, and his body obeyed him. Did the commands cancel each other out? He pondered, but he quickly shook the thought away. He had more important things to do. He had to find (Y/N)!


When you'd leapt out of the Ferris wheel compartment, you'd discovered you couldn't fly. You weren't sure if it was due to the injuries, or the fear, but you were unable to bend your wings. All you could do was glide. You felt the all to familiar pain of your body being pulled towards the creature that was in absolute fear, but you did everything in your power to resist. You dove towards the forest, desperate to get to your domain before the power could pull you away. The second you dove below the treeline, the pain subsided.

You tried to land on a branch, but your left wing flared painfully when you tried to flap. Instead of landing on the branch, you smacked into it. You bounced off the branch, and spiraled down until you slammed onto the moss covered ground with a painful thud. You didn't move. You waited for the worst of the pain to subside before you transformed. You didn't return to your human form, but instead transformed into the comfortable fox form. You slowly calmed your breathing and slowed your pounding heart.

Now that you were inside the forest, you could figure out where the creature was. You tried to focus on the pieces of your essence that were gathered near the scared creature. The beast seemed to be a centipede of monstrous proportions. It was at least as long as a car, and as wide as Tomoe. It was obviously just a baby of its kind. You focused your energy on the spot. Slowly the scattered essence took form. It was a form similar to that of a rainbow in the mist. Although it was visible, it wasn't tangible.

You turned, and looked around to see what the creature was so afraid of. You were in some sort of enclosure, like those found in a human zoo. There was a "forest" surrounded by cold iron bars. You immediately understood.

"So, the goddess graces us with her presence. I see you still aren't going to get caught in my trap." A voice hissed from behind you. You spun, growling at the figure cloaked in shadows. "How mean! I'm just greeting an old friend." The voice once again hissed.

"We are not friends. You are scum, not worthy of the power you poses." You hissed at the cruel figure.

"Such harsh words don't suite such a beautiful creature." The figure cloaked in shadow, stepped into the light that filtered through the enclosure. You hissed at the all to familiar, cruel face. He was the same size as Tomoe, except he had a bulkier build, like that of a wrestler. He had crimson red hair, and electric blue eyes that showed absolutely no kindness.

"Munakata, Izaya." You hissed the name as though it had a foul taste.

"So you do remember my name, I'm honored." He hissed with a sneer.

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