"I wish it was just a migraine." Harry growled, his bottom lip trembling as he opened his eyes to reveal tears. "Fuck." He coughed, wiping at his eyes desperately to get rid of the evidence that the pain in his body was becoming unbearable.

It bothered him how quickly it was beginning to take over his body. Maybe because he had become dependent on the curse while Louis was gone. As a distraction.

But he didn't need a distraction at the moment. He needed a clear mind.

"Harry-" Louis whispered, his body reacting as if he would when they were still together. He quickly got up from his seat, rounding the bar with hands going to rub at his broad shoulders.

"No," the taller man cried out, backing away from his hands only to crash against the wall behind him. "Don't touch me. Louis, get away. I don't want to hurt you." He whimpered, straightening his stance to tower over him once again before attempting to storm past him since he hated how tight of a spot he was in. But he froze when he felt a tight grip on his wrist.

His ruby orbs burned at the smaller man who was looking at him with the same intensity. It was mystifying how the conversation through their eyes didn't need to be vocalized.

Harry almost felt that he was calming down just for a moment until he saw Louis' grey eyes trail down to his lips that were coated with lip balm. The taller man retreated his bottom lip into his mouth as if to hide it away from the man who he was so attached to.

It was silent for a second until Louis released his grip, taking a step back but still keeping the eye contact.

"Harry, i'm not going to lie," his soft voice started as he glanced back at the whiskey bottle. It was beginning to kick in and he was almost afraid of anything he was about to say.

He originally didn't plan on ending up at the bar. He just wanted something to distract him from his lonely apartment. Sure, he had Keith but he was working late and Catherine was with one of her flings.

He was lonely. And horny. And wanted to get desperately drunk.

"I want to kiss you right now." He blurted out, his own eyebrows furrowing because that was not what he even wanted to say. Hell, he didn't even know what he wanted to say.

Harry was taken aback by that, his arms crossing over his chest to cover himself because he was suddenly feeling self conscious. "Uhm," he whispered, his body feeling hot while his hands shook as if he was cold. It was weird. That's all he could say.

"We only started talking this month after a whole year apart..." he lead on, shaking his head while he shut his eyes because as much as he wanted it, he had to be realistic. It cant be that easy for them to just slip back into how they were. "I feel like it would make things very complicated if we were to do that."

Louis took another step back after that, a flash of hurt shining in his eyes as he clenched his jaw, his head nodding in offense as he turned to pour himself another glass.

Harry watched as he filled the cup with more than the previous two pours, almost more than half way before he stopped and set the bottle down against the counter rather roughly. His adams apple poked out as he downed the glass in several continuous gulps before he slammed the glass down, his hands fumbling in his pockets just to pull out a few crumbled twenty dollar bills.

"Just-" he paused, a loud burp erupting in the back of his throat as he sloppily placed the money next to the bottle. "Keep the change." He sighed, running a hand through his hair as he rounded the counter. "Have a nice life, Harry."

With that, he stalked off towards the door with his head hanging low. His hands forced themselves into his jeans pockets while he used his shoulder to push the door open, his figured disappearing out the door.

"What the fuck." The brunette gasped, his heart racing because Louis was just walking past the window and this may be the last chance he has. "Shit." He cried out, his hands tangling into his hair because he didn't know what the fuck to do.

Louis was about to leave his life and he was still madly in love with him. He has to stop him. He has to run out there and fix this.

But you are just going to get hurt, he thought to himself because he had to be real. He has no feelings. This may not even be real.

He was trying to zone himself out of it but Louis was at the corner and was just about to cross the street when he just muttered 'fuck it' and ran around the counter and out of the bar.

It had to be the fastest he had ever ran. He sprinted down the empty sidewalk with his hair flying behind him while his muscles tensed with each step he took. His curse was returning but he had other things to focus on.

Louis was halfway through the crosswalk when Harry had called his name out desperately. His grey orbs hurriedly looked in his direction, his body stopping despite being in the middle of the street that luckily had no cars in sight.

"Louis," he huffed as he caught up to him, his pace slowing down until he was out of breath in front of his former lover. His body felt on fire again and his cheeks were almost tomato red as he noticed the shocked expression on the man's face. "I-I want to kiss you too." He softly said, his red eyes trailing down to his swollen pink lips.

There were no words exchanged as Louis just furrowed his eyebrows in disbelief, his body reacting as it normally would with him going on his tip-toes while his arms wrapped around the man's broad shoulders. His lips attached to Harry's heart shaped ones while his eyes fluttered shut in pure content.

Lively. {Larry}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ