Chapter Twelve: Theater and Parties

Start from the beginning

Virgil had no idea where Roman was taking him. It definitely wasn't the exit, that's for sure. Roman opened a door, and ushered Virgil inside. As soon as they entered the room, Virgil realized this must be Roman's office. A large desk sat at the back, a soft looking couch against one wall, there were no windows, but it seemed nice enough. He turned back and saw his boyfriend staring at him with intensely heated eyes.

As soon as the door shut, Virgil found himself spun and pinned to the door. Roman kissed him deeply, possessively. Virgil's mind short circuited a bit under the onslaught, and a surprised moan rumbled from his chest. When they parted, Virgil shook his head to clear it, then glared up at Roman.

"If you're jealous because of that-"

"I'm not." Well. That stopped Virgil dead in his tracks. If Roman wasn't jealous, then why the sudden about face on the physical stuff? He'd been playing hard to get since they started this whole thing.

"Then why...?" Roman kissed him again, his hands sliding down to grip Virgil's hips and easily lifting him up. Virgil instinctively wrapped his legs around Roman's waist, surprised at how heated this was getting, but definitely not complaining.

"That was the first time you ever called me your boyfriend. I'm not jealous, darling. You would never cheat, and I trust you...but I really..." a kiss to his neck "REALLY" a playful nip "enjoyed hearing you say that." Virgil tilted his head to the side to give him better access, a smile crossing his face.

"Is that so? How much did you enjoy it?" Roman leaned back and stared at him, chuckling.

"I would think it's fairly obvious, Virge." Virgil hummed as if in deep thought, one hand gently drifting down behind him. Did this door...yup, there was a lock! He smirked as he slammed it home, tightening his grip on Roman, who suddenly gulped as he realized exactly what position he'd managed to get himself into. Oh...oh no. This was...he hadn't thought this through.

"Well then, I'll have to call you my boyfriend more often, won't I?" Oh shit...sultry Virgil purring in his ear, wrapped around him, pressing little nibbling kisses down his neck. He was doomed.

"...I cannot believe we just did my office..." Roman muttered, and Virgil chuckled a little.

"Stick with me, gorgeous. It won't be the last."

"Oh're going to get us arrested for public indecency, aren't you?"

"Now, THERE'S a thought..."

Curled up in his lover's arms, still together on the couch he'd used for naps and migraines (and he'd never be able to look at it again without remembering this), Roman threw his head back and laughed. He would never get enough of Virgil Mason, so long as he lived.

Logan straightened his blue bow tie, checking his reflection one last time before heading downstairs. He had a feeling this outfit was going to be a new Patton favorite. It had been years since he'd thrown a holiday party, but this year he was finally feeling up to it again. As a result, the attrition rate on his guest list had been quite low. His house was going to be packed tonight.

He quickly walked through the downstairs, checking details and second-guessing himself as the caterers and staff bustled about. Space wasn't a problem, he assured himself as he checked the positioning of tables, lamps and candles. The lower level, with its hive of smaller rooms with fires burning in the fireplaces was warm and cozy. He liked throwing open the rooms this way, knowing people would wander from here to there, admiring the home he'd worked so hard on.

It was a clear night, so they could spill out onto the porch and terraces. There were heaters set up if it got too chilly, and more tables, more seating, with festive lights in the trees and luminaries along the pathways. Logan slowly made his way outside, narrowly avoiding a collision with one of the servers, and took a look at his home from the outside.

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