Chapter Two: Misunderstandings

Start from the beginning

"I think I would rather strangle myself with my own shoelaces, but thanks."


"That was....graphic, Virgil."

"I prefer to think of it as brutally honest, Lo."

"Well, that is your specialty. I'm afraid I must also decline, although I appreciate the invitation. I really need to get back to the shop. I'm heading that way, though. I could walk with you, if you would like some company?"

"Jesus, does your mouth ever stop running, Lo?! Sure, walk with me, pal, but you could have summed that whole paragraph up with like...ten words."

"Just because you're a fucking moron-" Virgil snapped, stepping up with that fire in his eyes that really just made him more appealing. The emo nightmare was like a hot itch between his shoulder blades that he couldn't get to. Impossible to ignore, and more frustrating the longer he left it be. If he had actually thought Virgil wasn't interested, he'd have politely accepted the first refusal and that would have been that, but three years ago the impossibly gorgeous man had gotten thoroughly wasted, crawled into his lap and planted a kiss on him that still haunted his daydreams. He'd never forget the stream of things Virgil had purred into his ear, much as he'd tried, so he didn't see the harm in trying to pursue something beyond friendship. He really hadn't counted on Virgil's goddamn stubbornness, though!

"Careful there, sweetheart, we both know you're a lover not a fighter." He leaned a little closer, pitched his voice just a bit lower in that register he knew Virgil loved. The flicker of surprise and heat in the other man's eyes was all he needed to let a smug smirk spread across his face. If there was one thing Roman had, it was patience. He'd match his patience against Virgil's stubbornness any day of the week.

"Fuck you."

"I was thinking more the other way around, but I could be flexible for you."

"Ugh! Lo, I'll see you later. Roman, that bus," a quick gesture with his thumb "is leaving in ten, please be under it." Virgil growled before stalking away in the direction of his apartment.

"Why do you antagonize him? You know it's very counterproductive if your end goal is a romantic relationship."

"Hate to see him go, but love to watch him leave. Hmmm? Sorry, Lo, I wasn't listening."


"Come on, Poison Ivy! I've got ice cream to eat!" Roman tossed a careless arm around Logan's shoulders, giving him a friendly hug, before continuing the walk. Logan fell in step next to him, a small smile on his face. He was still very unused to physical displays of affection, but that was Roman's way.

As they got to the shop, Logan peered in, and his heart stopped. There was Patton, with his son, and didn't that child look absolutely adorable? He was standing with an arm around Val's waist, laughing as Thomas eagerly pointed at different flavors. They looked like a stereotypical family.

He knew that Val was his sister, knew that this scene was platonic....but this is what Patton had previously. A wife. The man was almost certainly straight, and something inside of him withered a little. He hadn't been thinking of doing anything inappropriate, had actively convinced himself that he would remain entirely professional, but somehow seeing this domestic scene really drove the point home. Of course, Patton was straight, and even if he wasn't, the chances of him being interested in a pedantic, nerdy botanist like him were infinitesimal at best.

Logan straightened his shoulders. Well, good. Best to get this nonsense out of his head entirely before it even began. It was better this way, anyway. Alone is good. Alone is safer. The last time he'd risked his heart had not ended well, to say the least, and he was in no rush to repeat that painful experience again.

"Sure you won't change your mind, Lo? I'm sure the kid would love to meet you." Roman's smile was charming, as ever, but the idea of having to make small talk right rubbed something inside of Logan entirely the wrong way.

"No, thank you. I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to meet him in the future. Have a good time, though. Enjoy your ice cream."

"Oh, I will! I'll eat a sundae in your honor." Logan smiled and saluted, offering a casual wave to the family now watching from the window before continuing on his way. His house was the lot next to his shop, and right now he was feeling empty and tired.

Virgil Mason swore under his breath as he stomped towards his apartment, his hands jammed in his pockets. Three years, three FUCKING years, he'd been in hell, and it didn't look like there was any hope of it not dragging into four. All because alcohol, emotions and Roman were a terrible combination.

Virgil yanked his earbuds out of his pocket, quickly queuing up some music. It was a mistake, probably one of his bigger ones, but he was good at those. Logan had kicked out his bastard of an ex, and the three of them had been drinking at Logan's, toasting the demise of a fucked up relationship and helping their normally stoic friend drown his sorrows. Honestly, he couldn't remember a time before or since when Logan had been as incredibly drunk, which really just cemented what a prick that Jason Bryce was and how much Virgil owed him a punch to the face for hurting his best friend.

He'd had way too much to drink, going shot for shot with Logan at one point, while Roman had probably been bordering on pleasantly buzzed. He couldn't remember a lot about that night, what happened after Logan passed out in the guest room, but he remembered enough. Roman Sanders was unfairly gorgeous, and yeah, maybe he'd had a bit of a thing for the guy since he'd met him, but Virgil didn't do relationships...or feelings. Roman came packaged with both of those things. In a moment of weakness, he'd made an aggressive pass, hoping they could have a quick hookup, blame it on the booze later, and then he could finally move past this thing, whatever it was.

When he'd responded to the kiss, Virgil thought he had him. One hand had twined in his hair, and pulled hard enough to bow his back (and damned if THAT didn't still stick with him all this time later), and then Ro had growled in a voice so low it had almost rumbled in his chest, that he "couldn't do this" and had politely moved his drunk ass off of his lap. It was probably one of the most humiliating rejections he'd ever received, and after hiding for a good three weeks, he'd finally decided to just say "fuck it" and ignore it.

But it could never be that easy, could it?! Roman just HAD to start flirting, like every single goddamn day, rubbing it in his face. He'd have decked the jackass ages ago, but he was saving that assault charge for Logan's ex. The worst part was that he still kind of had a thing for the stupid Disney-loving theater brat. Maybe, if he was very, very lucky, he'd get struck by lightning and die so that he would no longer have to deal with any of this. It was a mess at least partially of his own making, and he'd admit that, but how long was Roman going to punish him for it? There had to be some kind of statute of limitations on making an unwanted advance on your friend...right?

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