We then remained in silent. There was nothing to do today. Then I looked outside and saw Adam's pool.

"Hey Adam! Wanna go swimming?!" I asked out.

"Sure! There's nothing to do and it's hot out."

I went up to our room and changed to my bathing suit that Olympic swimmers use to swim. No bikini, those look so uncomfortable.

We walked out and it was gorgeous. It had the whole LA view, and the floor was the color of sand. Plants surrounded us, making it look relaxing and tropical. The water was warm considering that it was outside with the sun heating it up. I put sun block so I wouldn't get burned like last time. In 8th grade, I went to the beach with my whole 8th grade class, and I was in the water the whole time. I got back very tan and then two days after that, it was graduation. People thought I put to much makeup but in reality, it was because I was too dark. And my skin started peeling to its normal color. It was really nasty and weird experience.

Adam was not a athletic kind of person, so he just stood at the shallow, shady side of the pool.

"C'mon Adam! Have some fun." I said swimming towards him.

"I'm having enough fun here." He said.

"Listen shirt covered Adam, what happened to always living life to its fullest? Where is that Adam?" I asked.

"Fine. I'm going."

That was quick. He walked towards me and we played basketball. It was so much fun. We later played with water guns, shooting each other with water.

"You are such a child!" He said to me.

"I agree! But that's what makes me fun."

He laughed.

"True that!" He said.

"Hey! What about we play something funny? Like every time we go under water, we make a funny face and or pose." I suggested.

"Alright. That sounds fun."

We counted until three before we got under.

Adam posed a face, where his tongue was out like one of those guys from Kiss. I posed a Marilyn Monroe pose where she was putting down her dress. We both laughed. We kept doing that until we ran out of ideas.

"Wait, I got one more pose." Adam said.

"Alright, show me."

We went underwater. It was dark out, but the pool lights made it easy for us to see each other.

His pose was really something.

He bent down on one knee and pretended he was holding a ring. I was somewhat confused. We both got up.

No words were said.

"Adam?" I said finally.

He looked at me shyly.

"Really? Is it true?" I asked.

"I would never lie about that. I realize, that I would never love anyone else. And being with you, is a new day for me. I just know that my days would never be the same without you." He confessed.

I didn't know what to think. I was so close to pinch myself.

"Look, if you don't accept, I will not think any less of you-"

I went up to him and kissed him.

"Do you actually think I wouldn't accept? Of course I do." I told him.

We got of the pool and I covered him in the last towel we had. He tried to give it back to me, but I refused.

"That's for the last time when you gave me your jacket." I explained.

"Still, I want to care for you."

"Nah, don't worry about me."

We got inside the house and I walked rapidly to the shower to get warm. We took our turn and went to the living room and talked about our........ Oh gosh, it's so unreal, I can't even say it.

"Okay, so I don't want anything big. And you know that. I just want something simple yet at the same time, flattering." I told him straight up.

"Wait what? I thought women want their wedding to be huge." He said in shock.

"Well yeah, but I'm not like those women, and I shall explain why I don't want it to be so glamorous." I said.

He locked his eyes and ears on me.

"Having a huge wedding is great, but I don't want that to symbolize our love. For example, many women want a huge diamond ring because it shows how much their partner loves them but honestly, it's just a metal ring that is so dang expensive. I don't want something expensive to show our love. You know what I mean?" I explained.

He paused to let all of the information I gave him sync in.

"Yeah. I get you. I didn't think like that before. I totally understand. And I'm actually very impressed." He said.

"Oh. Thanks! I hope you don't feel weird about it."

"Not at all! It's different and I like it."

I smiled.

We discussed every single detail there needed to be. We talked and talked until past midnight. Yes, we are that committed.

They couch seemed so comfy and Adam's body heat made it much more. I fell into a deep sleep, waiting for June 25 to come by faster.

Imperfect With PerfectWhere stories live. Discover now