Chapter Twenty-one

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Matt's Pov

"You're a great actor," Trixy says as I quickly close the door.

I sit on the couch, letting my head fall onto my hands. Trixy sits next to me, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. I wasn't mad at her anymore. She came over to apologize, and just happened to find me and Cam. I begged her not to tell, made her promise. Then Carter shows up out of nowhere. Now he hates me. I don't blame him. Yeah he thinks I cheated on him with her. But I'd rather he think that than know the truth.

"I'm sorry Matt," Trixy whispers.

"I'm no better than you now," I quietly sob.

"I'll try not to be offended by that."

"Why?" I ask,"Why did you do it to me?"

"The same reason you just did it to Carter. You love him, right?" she asks me.

"I do, more than anything."

"And then someone comes along. You don't love them, it's just, lust, and it gets the best out of you," I nod my head, knowing she's right.

"I should probably go," Trixy says, standing up.

Without thinking I grab her arm and tug her back down.

"Please don't leave me alone," I whisper, and she gathers me in her arms.

"I won't."

We spent the rest of the day on my couch, only getting up to pee or eat. We were currently watching Chobits on Netflix when my phone suddenly rang.

"Hello?" i answer.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO CARTER YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Shawn screams on the other end.

I burst into tears, and Trixy grabs my phone, hanging up. She puts it on silent then stuffs it under the couch.

"Thank you," I quietly cry.

"Shh, it's ok," she rubs my back, making me hiccup.

"I feel so awful!" I cry," I didnt want to hurt him. But it just happened. I could've stopped it, but i didn't."

Trixy whispers comforting words into my ear, soothing me until I stop crying.




I wake up, seeing Nash in front of me.

"Thank god your awake!" he shouts.

I look around, and everything was bright and fuzzy.

"They were gonna pull the plug, man, but I wouldn't let them. I knew you'd make it through," Nash tells me.

My head pounds, confused about what he's talking about. My vision gets all blurry, and everything starts to turn black.


"How was your nap?" Trixy asks as I open my eyes.

"Not so good," I say, shaking the odd images out of my head.

"I wish I could help," she hands me a Hershey's bar, and I break off a piece.

"You are just by being here," I gratefully say.

She sits there for a second, then says,"Remember movie night? We use to have movie night ever Friday, and every movie we watched was in alphabetical order."

I smile, remembering,"We stopped on Q, cuz we couldn't find one that started with it."

She laughs,"Damn Q! All it is is a fancy O. Like seriously, it just ripped O off, adding a little slash through it!"

We started laughing, holding our sides. Trixy was sitting there laughing so hard she didn't make a sound, then all of a sudden snorted. I stopped laughing and look at her, and the second our eyes touched each others we bursted out laughing again.

"I've missed you, Matt," Trixy says, as we quiet down.

"Don't hurt me again, or else you'll be missing me a lot more."

"I won't."


I hate babies. Jk jk I love babies theyre so cute and adorable. Like you have to be psycho to not like babies.

Their laughter is so sweet. Unless its three am. And your alone. And you don't have a baby😳

So yeah it was a filler I know. Shh I needed this chapter in here doe. Stuff happened a lot faster then it was suppose to, so I'm adding in more stuff to slow it down town. Wayyy down town.

And anyways I wanted to improve their relationship. I didn't want some crazy ex gf in here trying to ruin Matt's life. It felt too out played. So instead they're gonna be like bffs!! Supa dupa bffs😝

Ok I'll stop talkin now.....

Oh yeah..


I've always wanted to say that ☺

I'm back doe, after like idk how many days. And I shouldn't be leaving any time soon. Nope not at all.

OMG DID U SEE THE RAP BATTLE THAT WENT DOWN ON VINE WEDNESDAY NIGHT?? I love how people, especially Marcus, kept trying to get Nash in it 😂

And I was just about to go to bed when I saw Nash's vine, n I was like OH SHIT!! Yeah he definitely one 😄 aww I love Nash!!



Bye love you guys 😍😍

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