I contemplated so much. Should I be a obedient daughter . or should I be a gutta chick for my niggah?

I came to an conclusion.  NO MORE TEARS.

I decided to get my ass up.

I rather be in danger and know I did something to help. Than to be helpless.

I grabbed the keys to the vehicle I knew he didn't care much about .

I may bump into things trying to get the hang of driving.

No one ever taught me how.

The longer I stayed in New Orleans the better I got with directions. 

I went driving.  Places I remembered him frequently going.

And I found them out by West bank.

I couldn't believe my eyes .

Drew and Sean were going at it.

No argumenting straight fists getting thrown. 

(Drew was putting in work, then Sean. Sean slipped and Drew took that to his 

advantage and was putting in work. Straight face shots)

blood was everywhere.

What was really going on.

It looked like something off of a movie.

A group of niggahs in black with guns.

and another group of niggahs in red.

Each set was strapped.

Ok. I understood the fact that it was two sets at rivaling waiting for something more to pop off.

But what I could not understand is why Sean and Drew were fighting and why All of people that were under Drew were in red. While they were supposed to be in black. 

My main question was why was my father on the hood of his Triple Black Tahoe strapped . His eyes were cold. Not the mocha brown I always knew. Yes his eyes were still brown but they read anger and revenge not love.

No. things were not adding up.

I sat back and waited trying to put the pieces together. But everytime I tried to put them together they wouldn't fit. I analyzed and over analyzed.

The next think I know I see guns pointed at each other. One for each person of each "Clique" I guess you could call it.

But two guns were at Sean 's temple .

As I traveled my eyes up to the holders. There stood Drew and Daddy.

I understand this is what Drew does on a daily. but daddy ? He doesn't kill . He has an office job. 

At that moment I knew I had to stop things. It was clear that Drew and Sean have a problem . But they have been boys since pampers.

I just can't let this shit go down. I even developed a bond with Sean.

It kind of seems like whatever the issue is ,its being blown out of proportion.

I know it is because this is what females do. Not brothers.

I hopped out of the car before the trigger could be pulled.

"STOP . STOP Right now" I yelled hoping I would not make a complete idiot out of myself. 

All eyes on me.  As well as their guns.

Fear cascaded through my body and shook my bones. 

What brought the most fear was my daddy  had his guns pointed towards me.

I tilted my head trying to understand why as tears stared to flow.

I looked at each of their eyes trying to find the people I knew . The people I loved . But they weren't there. 

Someone else had engulfed their body.  Yes! That was their body . But not their spirit ,not their soul. 

My father put his hand in the air notifying the men in black to put their weapons down.

He walked towards me and placed the cool gun against my temple.

Really ? This couldn't be my life. My own father has a gun to my head . The head he had a part in making ?

"The fuck you doing here Kennedy? What did I tell you" He spoke with a tone I swear I've never heard.

I remained silent . Trying my best to keep my heart rate steady. And to be as still as possible.

"What I tell you huh? Didn't I tell you to keep your ass home ? These streets ain't for a little girl like you"

I knew that wasn't my father he never called me "Kennedy" and he sure as hell wouldn't put a gun to my head.

Not my Daddy. NO not my daddy.

"Ahahaaaa.  Damn Big Ke you can't keep ya daughter in check ? And you tryna pop me ? That's why you turned shit over to Drew you can't keep home in order" Sean chuckled truly amused.

I looked to Drew as a cry for a help. He kept his eyes on Sean with the gun still pointed at his temple.

He didn't have the courage to look at me and he sure as hell didn't have the courage to stand up for me.

My sperm donor took the gun from my temple and said , "get your ass home NOW".

I knew not to play.  I sprinted to the car . And sped off. I stopped at the nearest McDonald's. 

I parked and thought about what just happened less than 2 minutes ago.

Author's Note:

-Kennedy ' s Daddy holds a gun up to her?

-Sean and Drew are beefing?

-Drew didn't stand up for Kennedy?

- Kennedy ' s daddy used to be a drug Lord named Big Ke ?

-Will the relationship between Kennedy and her sperm donor ever be the same ?

-Will he re-earn the title of being her daddy again?

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