Chapter 4

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Dad: Where the hell have you  been?


Smirks we written all over Nia and Maria's (my father's fiance) face. But anger shone through my father's. I felt so horrible.  You the look that your father gives him when you've done something to disappoint him? Thoes be the worst  .Yes, here recently we haven't been all that close but I was still a daddy's girl. I guess I was quite too long for his liking. He just stood , shaking his head. Maria got in my face and snapped her fingers. I had,  had enough of this bitch right here. So I lunged at her ready to attack. But here comes my daddy wanting to be captain save a hoe all of a sudden pulling her out of my grasp.

Dad: Now like I said where the hell have you been?

I just shrugged. But honestly it was a half lie half truth. I really didn't know where I was Andreww had us out in the middle of nowhere.

Maria: She was probably somewhere hoe-ing around.  Look at thoes tight ass pants . She didnt leave the house with thoes on.

Dad: Was you with some Lil Niggah? (getting angry) If you wass Kennedy Anne you wont see tomorrow.  You know what I dont even care anymore.  Words cant even explain how disappointed I am in you. Ion even have to ask. I saw the niggah that dropped you off.

I had seen the disappointment on his face but when you heard the hurt in his voice  it was a whole nother story. By this time tears were streaming down my face. As I look to my left I see Nia and Maria snickering and enjoying this like it was a show. I instantly became enraged.

Me:  Ohh really Daddy. really?  Youre disappointed in me.  How about the other way around.  You have been a shitty dad here recently.  You dont see my struggles or my day to day obstacles.  All you do is work ever since mom left. And its not even like were broke and you NEED to work because we're just fine ever since grandma left us that $2million inheritance. I actually figured out why you're gone so much. You do it to be away from me.  Do I pain you that fucking much? Do I remind you too much of mom or is it that you're disgusted of the weight I've gained since her absence? Not once did you ask me how I felt about you getting engaged to Maria or how I felt about her moving in 3weeks into us  being here. Ohh wait. You have to be around to ask . All she's doing is using you for your money. Not once did you ask me if I wanted to leave Kansas.But actually I did hoping this would give us a fresh start and a chance to renew our relationship.  But not only that I wanted to leave for ME. Because since you were too busy working and leaving me home alone. I wanted to be loved but I was  looking in all the wrong places. And that left me RAPED , BROKEN and even that much more alone. But thats fine DADDY. Working to avoid me is MUCH more important than your daughter getting her innocence ripped away.

I patted his overly wet cheeks filled tears and moved left to Nia and Maria.

Me: Im tired of yall hateful bitches

Enough was enough!  No more disrespect. I charged at Nia letting her know it was real. Usually I dont pull hair but I had to get just a little bit ratchet.  I didn't know my own strength I picked her ass up and and slammed her on the wooden floor and I just continuously stomped her. For all the pain she had put me through. As I'm stomping Nia,  Maria jumps on my back.

Maria:  Get off my daughter you fat bitch.

Nia had enough of my stomping and it didn't seem like she was getting off the floor anytime soon. She had blood gushing from her mouth and nose.

I felt like King Kong or some shit because I stopped her mid-punch and slammed her too. but she didn't need stomping.  Since Im so fat I sat on that ass a drilled her face like it was a punching bag. I feel Nia got it a little lighter but thats what both them hoes get. Maria is a grown ass woman trying to fight kids and bully them. All she is is a gold digging slut.

Little did my daddy know she was cheating on the low.  but ion blame her it gets lonely sometimes.

My dad stood in disbelief.  Not because I had practically killed his fiance and future stepdaughter but because He had never realized that his daughter was hurting until now.

After a good five to ten minutes Nia and Maria crawled to the house phone. Dialing only 3 numbers I'm like tf' ? Who only got 3 numbers . Then reality stepped in. I may go to juviee.

Maria:  Yes I would like to report a disturbance that led to assult and I would like to confirm that a run-away has been found.

My blood was boiling.  I was seething with anger.

Me:  The fuck you mean a run-away? You cant report a missing person until they're gone for 42 hours dumb fuck!

Dad: MARIA  PUT  THE  FUCKING PHONE DOWN NOW!  His words were slick and mellow but accented with hate.

Maria: Im not putting this MUTHA FUCKING  phone down .You a fuck niggah!  You let me and my daughter get beat by your obese daughter! And for you Kennedy , baby . You got another thing coming. Were not in Kansas no more (she said in-between claps) . We in N E W. O R L E A N S. You can be gone for 4 hours and a missing persons report can be filed. (bitterly laughing ) . Fuck outta here with that.  Your ass didn't get raped witchaa lying ass.

This bitch did just burst my bubble a little bit. I may go to jail with 2 counts of assult and a count for running away. But I wasn't finna sit there and let her disrespect me ever again. She mustn't have learned the first time. She wants round 2 ? I got her round 2 !

I ran up on her hoe ass real quick and she flailed to the ground struck with fear. I just hovered over her and laughed.

I didn't have time for her. I had to think fast. I knew without a shadow of a doubt the cops were coming for me. I knew they'd be here in an hour or two no sooner because people in New Orleans crazy , This is only minor in their eyes. I had to be fresh as hell when the feds were gonna come for me. So I took a long bath soaking my pain away.  It seemed like time was slipping away. I had been in the tub for an hour now .I didn't know how long I was gone be locked up and I didn't shower with others so that was the main reason for the extra lonngggg bath. I slipped on some jogging pants and a cute loose fitting tee,  I headed downstairs to whip me up something to eat. Yah girl can COOK! But I kept it simple fried chicken , macaroni, and green beans. That only took 30 mins. I gobbled that up and got about 3 helpings. I may be fat,  but i dont eat everybody's food and I sure dont eat jail food. I had only a few minutes to spare. Thoes minutes came so quick.

There was a knock on the door.  I knew it was for me. 2 cops entered the kitchen and said. Kennedy Clark you are under arrest for the assult of Maria and Nia Taylor and for running away. He proceeded to read me my miranda rights..Gahhleee these handcuffs were tight but the back seat was worse. It was so tiny my knees were in my stomach . I could barely breath without feeling pain. Never again. I swear NEVER again.

We finally made it to the station. And these kids were BUCK WILD. Cussing,  spitting, and banging they heads on the walls.  I got a lil scared,  I aint gone lie.

If I thought the kids at school were mean. I was mistaken the kids here were HELL. I tried to stay low-key as possible.  That didn't go too well. Everybody peeped me out and could tell I was fresh meat.

I was fiddling in my pocket when I remembered that I had put Drew's  number in these sweats after my bath.  I knew we was kinda cool but not cool enough for him to bail me out. He was the "big time " drug dealer , though. I figured why not hit him up the most he can say is no. I ran to the bars of the cell practically yelling to have a phone call. She came to the cell and unlocked it. I struck out running to that phone like I was in the Olympics or some shit. I had been in this hell hole for 5 hours now. I quickly dailed his number . I began to get upset because It had rung four times now. On the fifth ring his sexy ass voice boomed through the telephone.

Drew: Hello

He seemed out of breath. I became annoyed and tried my hardest to ignore it.

Me.  He...  Heyyy. Drew?  Ummm. This is Kennedy.  You know ?....the girl from school. I need you to come bail me out.  Im in juvie.

Drew: Aight.  Im on my way.

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