Chapter 11

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Kennedy's POV

When he told me to tell him the truth all I could do was burst back into tears.

I slid down the wall and went into my protective covering with my knees to my chest .

I mustve been rocking and staying sikent too long for his liking because he told me "C'mon now youve made your bed now you have to lie in it".

I recollected my thoughts. Cleared my throat and began.

Story Begins :

Ok. , I looked around hestitantly.

In Kansas I did have sex with random people somehow trying to find love with these men inbetween my legs.

I felt ugly , unworthy , fat . Bullies are everywhere even in Kansas.

Ive done it all. You name it. Ive cut myself , done drugs and not just weed.

I can remeber for the longest trying my hardest to scrub the darkness off of my skin.  Ive tried bleaching my bath water and all.

Yes Ryan is my cousin. But I would NEVER lie about being raped. And he infact did rape me. And honestly I dont blame him. I was giving it up to everybody eles. I guess he felt he deserved a piece too.

But THAT is my blood. Yes, I was in a low place in my life at that time . But not that low to the point of where I'd sleep with my first cousin.

I had no idea he had moved to New Orleans. After I threatened to tell our family about the rape. He vowed to leave town and I he said if I told anyone he'd kill me.

I felt that if he was bold enough to rape me. He would kill me as well.

After the rape I got myself together. I made myself a promise to be on some Me , Myself , and I shit. And ever since I have.
I know youre confused as to why I ran up to him crying. I was crying because through it all he IS blood. And I have a heart. I'd cry if I saw a dead cat. And I HATE cats.

(I pulled up my sleeves)

Look here are the cut marks. I look back on who I used to be and I just cry because thats not me. At this point I know who I am . And honestly I dont care if you believe me or not.

I got up from my fetal position. Gathered my things and was finaly ready to make amends with my father. All this time Ive blamed him for my rape.  For making me so dark. For creating me.

I sat on the stoop of the trap house and popped out my galaxy s4. I dialed my daddy's number and let it ring.

"Hello " , He answered in an unsure and worried tone. "Kennedy is everything ok "?

"Yes daddy , I'm fine. Can you come get me. I think its time we tal..."

Then I feel this strong hand take the phone out my hand. At this point Im ready to fight because whoever did that was disrespectful.

I looked back and there he was . looking soo sexy with a little smirk.

He exchanged a few words with my dad.  Then told me to hop in his Camero.

I was still kind of hurt that he'd accuse me of lying about me being raped. That was one of the most vulnerable parts of me and he just stepped and spit on it.

We rode in silence for about a good 5 minutes.

And at the same time we turned towards each other and said "Look".

He wanted me to go first but I left him.

I didnt want to say the wrong thing . So I decided to play it cool and tread lightly.

He stopped the car and said . "Im so sorry that I'd even compare you to any of the other hoes Ive been with. And I dont know how I could even begin to apologize to you about how I'd accused you of lying about being raped. That was one of the most delicate tribulations of your life and I disrespected you and the situation. Kenn. Im just sorry. Idk what to say. " He rubbed his curls and shook his head.

I put my head to his head. And began to silently weep. I think Im beginning to love this boy.

"Im sorry for not telling you the whole truth. All I can say is as long as you got me , I got you " We kissed and he started the car back up.

We were at my pop's house in no time. He cut the ignition and we got out the car. 

He hugged each other. Me standing on my tippy toes with my arms around his neck and his around my waist.

He gave me a sweet kiss. And said "Lemme know when you ready for me to pick you up. I gotta surprise for you".

Author's note :

Give me feedback.

Whats the surprise ?

Desired BeautyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora