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IT FELT STRANGE for Raya to stand at the side of her mother and brother once again

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IT FELT STRANGE for Raya to stand at the side of her mother and brother once again. She hadn't been expecting the seat beside her mother, but as she was guided to it, and her mother staring waiting for her to sit, Raya was at a lost. With hesitance, Raya took the seat. She looked over and met the gaze of Tommen. There was no smile, but there was a sense of pride.

Approaching them was a party led by Jon and Tyrion. A Lannister King's Guard surrounded them, and flanking from the back was Daenerys's Dothraki. Raya could see Sansa, and at her side was Brienne. It offered her some comfort knowing that if thing went awry, Brienne would be there to protect her.

"Where's the dragon bitch?" Raya heard her mother mutter to herself. Raya's attention shifted back to the arriving party. Daenerys was not with them. When she heard the cry of a dragon in the distance, she couldn't help but to smile to herself. She watched from the corner of her eye as Cersei gripped the arm of her chair tightly.

Three dragons flew above the Dragon Pit, and Raya wanted to laugh at the surprised looks on her mother and brother's face. Daenerys landed on the edge of the pit, riding on Drogon. The dragon let out a cry, which caused the pit to shake. Elegantly, Daenerys got off Drogon and made her way to her seat. The three dragons took off into the air, flying above the pit.

Daenerys looked to Cersei, "Shall we begin?"

Sansa took a seat beside Missandei. Their eyes met and Sansa offered her a small smile. Raya returned the gesture, wishing she could get up and embrace Sansa, rather than sit next to her mother like a child being punished.

Cersei didn't say anything, just rolled her eyes, and looked at the bastard of Eddard Stark.

"There was a threat from the North," Jon began, "But it is gone."

Raya looked at Jon confused, "What do you mean it's gone?" she questioned.

"I mean Daenerys's dragons killed the White Walkers. Imagine what they could do to an army," Jon said, his eyes narrowing at Cersei and Tommen.

Tommen stood up angrily, "Are you threatening us?"

Raya smiled as she shook her head, standing up much more calmly than her brother did, "No Tommen, he's negotiating. You'd do well to listen."

"The North, Dothraki, Unsullied, The Reach, The Stormlands, all in open rebellion against the throne, wanting her," Jon pointed to Raya, "As their queen."

Tommen's head snapped to Raya. His eyes narrowed at her, "I should have killed you when I had the chance."

Raya smiled at him sadly, "And I should have fought harder to protect you. Look what you've become Tommen."

"You left Raya! You left me, you left Myrcella, for her!" he pointed at Sansa. Raya's eyes met Sansa's who showed no hurt. Sansa displayed nothing but confidence. Tommen chuckled to himself, "Seize her. I want her head."

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