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AS RAYA AWOKE THE NEXT morning she saw strands of red hair draped over her face

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AS RAYA AWOKE THE NEXT morning she saw strands of red hair draped over her face. She felt a light breeze come into the room as she blinked a few times and tried to sit up, but couldn't move. She remembered that Sansa had slept in her room that night and didn't want to wake her. She felt Sansa shift in response, cuddling into Raya's chest more when she felt the girl moving.

Raya chuckled, "Sansa."

Sansa shook her head, "I don't want to get up."

"But we have to. You should return to your room before anyone comes by," Raya said, sobering up slightly. She didn't want Sansa to get in trouble and she couldn't be caught with a girl in her bedchambers, not after what her conversation with her Uncle Tyrion.

Sansa groaned as she sat up, wiping the sleep from her eyes. When she saw Raya watching her, a sheepish smile made its way on to her face and she began to blush.

"I wanted to thank you for letting me stay here."

Raya shrugged, playing mindlessly with the covers on her bed, "It was nothing."

Sansa got up from the bed and stretched. Raya could hear the wretched sound of Sansa's joints popping.

"I guess I'll see you later then," Sansa said heading toward the door.

"You will," Sansa gave her one last smile before sneaking out of Raya's room.

Once the other girl was gone Raya sighed heavily and collapsed back in the bed.


Raya sighed as her mother tore up Robb Stark's peace treaty. She hadn't wanted to join the meeting, but she was afraid of running into Sansa and when her mother demanded that she be here, she obeyed.

"You've perfected the art of tearing up papers," Tyrion said from beside her mother. Raya bit back a chuckle as her uncle continued to speak, "Giving his father's bones back at least as a gesture of good faith."

Cersei ignored him, "Give the Starks our reply cousin."

Alton nodded, but it seemed hesitant, "I will, Your Grace."

"Did you see my brother when you were the Stark's guest?" Raya could almost feel the air at the table change as everyone shared knowing looks.

"They have not broken his spirit, Your Grace."

"If you speak with him tell him he's not been forgotten," there was pain in her mother's voice as she spoke.

Alton nodded once again, "I will, Your Grace."

"Safe travels, cousin," Tyrion bided him. Alton gave one last nod before taking his leave.

"I don't understand why I have to be here," Raya spoke up. There were things she'd rather do like spend time with her sister and brother, or play with Lady, she'd even considered asking Bronn to help her with her sword fighting since she was very rusty and she didn't trust anyone besides Lady to keep her safe.

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