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"BE AWARE OF THOSE AROUND you, read their facial expression and you'll learn their secrets," Raya nodded at the information her grandfather gave her

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"BE AWARE OF THOSE AROUND you, read their facial expression and you'll learn their secrets," Raya nodded at the information her grandfather gave her. It was the first small council meeting since the Battle of Blackwater. Tywin had been insistent on having his granddaughter attend the meeting and had been prepping her for what felt like hours.

When the other four men arrived, Littlefinger made a beeline for the seat next to her. She nearly rolled her eyes at the man's naked ambition. Varys and Grand Maester Pycelle, took their time sitting in their seats. Her mother even showed up, pulling a seat up to sit on the other side of her grandfather and across from her.

Her uncle Tyrion stood at the door, hesitant to come in. when he finally did decide to enter, he took the last available seat, the furthest from Raya's grandfather and moved it so he was at the other head of the table.

"What news of Jamie?" Tywin asked, getting right down to business. Raya looked at the other men at the table who wore looks that seemed like absolute failure. There was looks shared and Raya could hear the aggravated sigh from her grandfather. "Collectively you all hold more spies than the rest of the world combined and you mean to tell me that none of you has any notion of where he is?"

"We are trying, My Lord," Varys spoke up.

"Try harder," Tywin demanded.

Across from her, Raya could see the broken-hearted look on her mother's face. Her grandfather was right, everyone seemed to be wearing their emotions on their sleeves.

"Robb Stark and most of his banner men are in Riverrun for the funeral of his grandfather, Hoster Tully. In his absences Roose Bolton holds Harrenhal," Varys informed, "It's almost as though he were the Lord of Harrnehal," as he spoke his eyes seemed to stay on Littlefinger, as if he were trying to get a rise out of him.

"Let him have it. It is just a pile of rubble, the Lord of Harrenhal, however would make an excellent husband for the widow in the Vale," Tywin said flippantly. Raya could see all the cards being dealt on the table. Get as many allies as possible so the Starks had none.

"That would make Lord Baelish acting Lord of the Vale, till Robin comes of age," Raya said. Littlefinger looked at her and grinned. It made Raya rather uncomfortable.

"Titles do seem to breed title," he told her. She forced a smile as she turned away from him, giving her grandfather her attention. Her uncle presented the issue that the royal wedding would be one of the most expensive events to which her grandfather answered by naming him the Master of Coin.

A title, not a good one or a high one, but a title. Her uncle may as well have been her grandfather's bastard. Raya believed her deserved Casterly Rock, seeing that it wasn't going to her uncle Jaime, nor her mother, why not just give it to Tyrion? He was smart and witty and knew how to handle business.

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