Chapter Ten: Stalking Potential

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“So, you’re canceling on me.” I stated.  I was pacing my bedroom floor, while I was on the phone with Brian.  “Babe, I’m sorry.  I’m just really swamped.  I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

This is how it always goes.  “Brian, that’s the third time this week.  You always say you’re going to make it up to me, but you haven’t’.”

I could tell he wasn’t getting frustrated by the sound of a loud sigh, “Tomorrow, I’m all yours.  I promise.”

I hesitated before answering, “Don’t make a promise if you can’t keep it.” I said softly.

                “I’m keeping this one.  I promise.  Tomorrow.  Just me and you.  No one else.”

I smiled, “Good, because you know I don’t like sharing.”

                “And you know I don’t like sharing, either.  So, we’re good.” I could tell he was smiling.

                “Get back to work, and you can call me in the morning if you want.”

He groaned, “I don’t want to work anymore.  That’s all I’ve done for the past week.”

I giggled a little, “Well just sneak in my window, and you can come sleep with me.  You know I like to cuddle.”

                “Don’t tempt me.” He laughed.  I heard someone calling his name in the background, and he hissed something back.  “I have to go.  I’ll call you tomorrow.  Goodnight, beautiful.”

Before I could reply, he hung up.  I put my phone down on my bedside table, and got into bed.  It’s weird Brian works this late.  Come to think of it, I don’t even know what he does for a living.

It was going on 2 in the afternoon, and I have yet to hear from Brian, and Jimmy was still passed out.  I walked out of my room, and walked over to Jimmy’s door.  I swung the door opened, and marched over to his bedside.  His curtains were pulled shut, and he was snoring lightly.  Such an angel when he sleeps.  I smirked deviously, and yanked the curtains open.  He groaned loudly, throwing a pillow over his face.  “What the hell, Emma?” I could barely understand anything, because it came out muffled.  I walked back over to his side of the bed, and looked down at him.  “Do you know what time it is?  Seriously, you’ve slept all day.  That’s all you do anymore, is sleep.”

                “What’s it to you?”

I sighed, sitting next to him.  “Well I’m bored, and you’re the only one here.  So let’s do something.”

He let out another groan, before turning on his side, facing away from me.  “Go find Brian, or Johnny.” He mumbled.  I gave him a little shove, “And why would I do that, when I have an older brother I can torture?”

                “I’ll be up in a few minutes.  Now go away.”

I gave up, and walked out of his room.  I closed the door quietly, when I should have slammed it shut.  When I turned around, I bumped into someone’s chest.  I yelped, and jumped back quickly.  Brian was standing there, laughing.  “What the hell?  Don’t sneak up on people like that.” I smacked his chest, and walked around him.

                I got into my room, and I could feel Brian was close behind me.  “I didn’t even hear you come in.” I said plopping down on my bed.  “Don’t you think that’s a little creepy?” I joked, and leaned back on my hands.  He took a few steps closer to me, and slowly leaned down, placing his hands on the bed, beside me.  He had me trapped, pretty much.  Not that I minded.  “Only a little.” He smiled, and pecked my lips.  I gazed over his face for a second, “You look really, really tired.” I placed a thumb below his eye, brushing it over the bags that puffed out below them.  “Did you get any sleep?” I asked, searching his eyes.  He shook his head lightly, “I’ve had about…three, four hours.”

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