Chapter Three: Another girl goes missing

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It took us a good hour to get back to my house.  Brian left for a minute to put Pinkly up, and Vicki put Max in my room.  I stood in front of the shelf of movies, trying to think of one to watch.  I felt someone poke my sides, and I jumped.  Vicki laughed, standing beside me.  “So, what do you think of Brian?” I asked as calm as possible.  “Well,” she started.  “He’s fucking hot.”  She quickly covered her mouth, and looked around the room.

I laughed, “No one’s here.  Curse all you want.”

Her face relaxed, “You like him, don’t you?” she asked, a small smirk appearing on her face.

                “No!  Of course not.  He’s like, six years older than me.”

She shrugged, “So?  Age is just a number.”

                “Vicki, I’m only seven-teen.  He would be behind bars if we had anything going.  And his pretty face does not belong there.” I bit my lip, holding back laughter.

                “Emma, Emma, Emma!  You do like him, and you won’t admit it!”  She grabbed my arms, shaking my violently.

I laughed at her, “Brian wouldn’t have anything to do with me anyways.”

                “If you don’t take him, I will.”

I stuck my tongue out at her.  “Dude!  I’m kidding!  Calm your tits.” She put her hands up as she backed away from me.  “My tits are calm, thank you very much.” I mocked a British accent.

Vicki laughed.  “What’s all this talk about tits?” Brian’s voice made me jump.  He smirked, knowing he scared me.  “Don’t sneak up on people like that!” I shouted, and playfully slapped his arm.  I went back to finding a movie, and I couldn’t decide on anything.  “Here” Brian handed me a random movie.  “House of Wax?” I questioned.

                “Why not?” he smirked.

I shrugged it off, and put the movie into the PS3.  I told Brian he could make himself comfortable on the couch, and I went to find Vicki.  I found her in the kitchen, raiding my fridge.  “Don’t your parents keep liquor in the house?” she asked.

                “No, Vicki.  And if they did, it would be in the freezer.  Or locked up.”

She slumped, and closed the fridge.  “Since when do you drink?” The thought suddenly hit me.

                “Since...” she trailed off.

I shook my head, and grabbed her hand.  I pulled her into the living room, where Brian was sitting, waiting patiently.  I sat beside him, and Vicki sat on my other side.

                I grabbed the controller from the side table, which happened to be on Brian’s side, so I had to reach over him.  On my way back, I accidently hit him with my elbow.  “Oh, I’m sorry.” I said softly, still hovering over him.  He just sent me a smirk, and as I sat back down, I felt my face turn to fire.  I looked at Vicki, and she was smiling at me like crazy.

I could barely concentrate on what was going on in the movie.  I’ve already seen it, but still.  I felt Brian’s gaze on me every few seconds.  And I felt like he’s inched closer to me since the movie has started.  The room was dark, and the only thing that was lighting the room was the TV.  Vicki was passed out beside me, and Jimmy still hasn’t returned home.  That got me thinking about Jimmy.  He was beyond suspicious earlier today.  He was probably going to meet some girl, and used Johnny as a cover up.

                My parents are still out with their friends, having a drink.  I don’t know when they would be home.  They said they would call when they were on their way.  My thoughts were interrupted when I felt Brian’s hand on my thigh, and my heart race started picking up speed.  I didn’t know how to react, so I just sat there, and acted like I didn’t even notice.  The sound of his phone going off pulled him away from me.  He quickly grabbed his phone from his pocket and answered it.  “Yeah, no worries.  I’ll be there soon.” He hung up, stuffing the phone back into his pocket.

                The movie had ended the same time he stood up.  I stood up with him, and followed him to the front door.  “Everything okay?” I asked, opening the door for him. 

He turned to face me, and hesitated, “Uh, yeah.  My friend’s grandma just had a seizure, and he needs me there.”

                “That’s not good.  Hope she’s okay.”

He smiled weakly, “Yeah me too.”

                “I’ll see you later.”

He gave me more of a powerful smile, “Dinner tomorrow?  My place?”

I smiled and nodded, “Yeah, sounds good.  Bye, Brian.” 

He kissed my cheek before running to his house.

                I closed the door, locking it behind me.  I walked back into the living room, and Vicki was just waking up.  “Hello sleepy head.”

She groaned, sitting up on the couch.  “Where am I?”

                “Really, Vicki?”

She grinned like an idiot, “Where’s your little boy toy?”

                “He had to go see his friend.  His grandma is in the hospital.  His friends, grandma.” I clarified.

She just nodded, and focused her attention on the TV.  I switched back to cable, and the news channel was on once again.  “Another teen girl missing from, Huntington Beach.” She rambled on about when she went missing.  The picture on the screen was of Bonnie Clemmons.  She was an ex of Jimmy’s, and I wasn’t too fond of her.  Jimmy broke up with her a few weeks ago because she cheated, or something like that.  He never told me the full story.  He just called her a whore, and end of conversation.

                Vicki wasn’t as surprised as I was.  Knowing Bonnie, she ran off with a guy that promised her everything.  It is kind of scary though, to think if something else happened to these girls.  It’s weird that it would happen all in the same year, let alone all in the same week.  After 48 hours, they are declared a missing person.  And I haven’t seen any of them in school all week.

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