Chapter Two: Jimmy's Plans

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“Emma,” I heard someone whisper from the side of my bed.  It was a male’s voice, and I could recognize the voice.  I turned to my side table on the other side, and turned on the light.  I turned around, and Jimmy’s face was inches from mine.  I jumped back, “What the hell, Jimmy?”  I glanced at the clock on my bedside table, “It’s three in the morning!” I yelled.  He looked half asleep himself.  I wondered if he even knew where he was.  “There’s a little white dog at the back door.” He whispered.  I sat up, “What are you talking about?”

                “There’s a white dog, at the back door, that won’t shut the fuck up.”

I managed to laugh at Jimmy at that moment.  “Let’s go.” I told him.

                I felt him on my heels as I walked down the stairs.  He had his arms on my shoulders, I guess to help him stay stable, and not fall down the flight of stairs.  I came to the sliding glass door, and I had Jimmy turn on the light, and there sat Pinkly.  Just sitting there, with her head tilted.  “Damn it, Pinkly.” I mumbled, opening the door.  “Pinkly?” Jimmy questioned, picking her up and tucking her under his arm.  I shut the door, and clicked the lock.

                “Brian’s dog.”

                “Brian?” he asked.

I rolled my eyes, “Brian is the new neighbor.  I met him yesterday, because of this little thing.” I scratched under Pinkly’s chin, and I could tell she was enjoying it.  Jimmy jerked her away from me, “What?” I asked.

                “She is a dog, not a ‘thing’, Em.”

It took everything in me not to smack him across the face.  “Can you walk with me next door?” I asked him.  He nodded, as he played with Pinkly.  I shook my head, and managed to laugh.

We started walking next door, and then I heard someone calling Pinky’s.  I knew it was Brian’s voice.  He was down the street; I could see him under the street light.  He finally looked up in my direction, and came running to me.  “Where was she?” he asked breathlessly, taking her from Jimmy’s hands.  Jimmy deflated a little, and started to pout.  “She was in our backyard.” I stated.

“Thanks, again.  And I’m sorry.” He replied.

“No, it’s okay.” I smiled.

He returned the smile, “Well, thank you.”

I nodded, “This is Jimmy.  Jimmy, this is Brian.” I introduced them.  Not much of one since it is 3 in the morning.  “Nice meeting you, Brian,” Jimmy shook his hand and then turned to me, “I’m going back to bed now.” He said, and ran back in the house.  Brian waved, and then focused back on me.

                “Is there anything I can repay you with?” he offered.

I quickly shook my head, “No, no, no.  Really, it’s okay.  Shit happens.”

                “Well again, thank you.  I owe you.”

                “It’s fine.  You don’t owe me anything.  Have a goodnight.”

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