Chapter Eight: Two Months Later

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“Seriously, you’re killing me!” I giggled.  Brian’s long fingers continued to dig into my sides, tickling even more.  I guess this is what I get for telling him where my spots were.  I tried pushing him off me a few times, but failed due to the lack of strength from laughing so hard.  I managed to grab his arms, and flip him, to where he was now on the bottom and I was straddling his waist.  He looked surprised by my actions.  “When someone asks you stop, you should stop next time.” I smirked, leaning in closer to him. I kissed the side of his neck, and slowly made my way to his lips.  I stopped just at the crease, “You’re a teaser.” He mumbled.

I grinned, and moved my lips to his slowly.  His hands moved from my waist, slowly making it to my lower back.  The sound of something being slammed made me jerk away quickly.  “What was that?” I asked, looking towards the door.

“I didn’t hear anything.”   He took that moment, and flipped me so I was now on the bottom.  “Think you’re slick, don’t you?”

He smirked, “Of course.” He moved his lips back to mine for a second.  He left them, and trailed kisses down my neck, and down the center of my chest.  He worked his way back up slowly, his lips lingering on my cleavage.  The moment I starting getting pleasure, was the moment he broke away, and started tickling me again.  Once I again, I broke into a giggle fit.  “Brian, stop it!” I curled into a ball, and was hoping he would stop.  The sound of Brian’s bedroom door slamming open pulled us apart.  We both looked in the direction of the door, to find Jimmy standing there.  “Jimmy?” My eyes widened, and I scooted from under Brian.

                Jimmy took a few steps forward, pointing to me but looking at Brian.  “My sister, Brian?”  Brian couldn’t even speak.  I don’t even think he knew what to say.  Brian got up quickly, and walked over to him.  They were yelling in a whisper back and forth to each other.  Brian’s back was to me, and Jimmy would give me glares every few seconds.  After a few minutes, they moved their conversation in the hallway, leaving me behind a closed door.  I slammed my head down on the bed, and looked up at the ceiling.  I took a deep breath, exhaling slowly.  I can’t believe Jimmy just walked in like that.  I’m not even sure how he found out I was here.

                I heard the sound of a small vibration.  I stood up, and looked around the room trying to find where the sound was coming from.  I found his phone hidden under a stack of papers.  I glanced at the door and back at the phone.  I hesitated before unlocking it and looking at his missed alerts.  He had a few missed calls, and a lot of text messages.  Some from Johnny, Matt, someone named Zack, and a lot from Jimmy.  They all asked where the hell he was, and why he wasn’t there.  I’m guessing he was supposed to be with them tonight, and he stood them up.  I heard them exchanged ‘Byes,’ and I hurried to put the phone back where it was.

                I jumped on the bed, and laid down facing away from the door.  I heard the door open, and close quietly.  I felt him get in bed beside me, and he threw his arm over my waist.  He pulled me closer to him, and kissed the back of my shoulder.  “I know you’re not asleep.” He whispered.  I sighed, and turned to face him.  “Is everything okay?” I asked.

He nodded, “Yeah, everything’s fine.” He pushed a piece of hair away from my face.  “He wants you home in an hour.”

I pushed my bottom lip out playfully, “I don’t want to go home.”

He smiled.  “I don’t want you to go home.” He placed a hand on the back of my head, and brought my forehead to his lips.  “What did Jimmy want?” I questioned.

I moved my head onto his chest, and listened to his heartbeat.  “Older brother doing his job.” He laughed.

I bit my lip before asking my next question, “Did you have any other plans tonight?” 

                “No, why?” he lied.

                “Are you sure?”

He was quiet.  “Uh, I believe so.  You were my plans.”

I lifted my head to I could look at him, “Did anyone even know you had a date?” I asked.

He shook his head, “I didn’t want to risk it.”

I shrugged my shoulders, “Risk what?”

                “With the age difference, I didn’t know what would happen.”

I eyed him for a second, “Would you ever lie to me?”

He narrowed his eyes, and I looked away from him.  “Am I missing something here?”

                “No, I just want to see that you’re different.” I mumbled

He slid his pointer finger under my chin, and lifted my head so he could look into my eyes.  “I’m one of a kind.” He whispered, and pecked my lips.

I slowly smiled, “Good to know.”

*Two Months Later*

“So how’s your grandma?” I asked Brian.  He was sitting across from me at the table.  He just picked me up from school, and I asked him to bring me to the library to study.  He didn’t have to stay, but he chose to.  “She’s doing okay.  I can get her from the hospital in two days.”

                “Well that’s good.” I gave him a smile, and looked around the library for a second.  My friend Carla was supposed to meet me here and hour ago and she has yet to show up.  There haven’t been any missing girls for two months, so I guess this killer was either caught, or moved on.  But I would have heard about it on the news… “Who are you looking for?” Brian asked.

                “My friend, she was supposed to meet me here.”

Brian grabbed his phone, and looked down at the time.  “Babe, I got to go.  I’ll see you tonight for dinner.” He stood up, and walked over to me.  He pecked my lips, before he quickly bolted for the exit.  He’s been acting strange this week.  I can’t tell if it’s bad or good.  He hasn’t been exactly distant, but he wasn’t been close either.  He’s hiding something, and I’m afraid to find out what it is…

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