Chapter Eleven

Mulai dari awal

            Get a freaking room! I thought. Her annoying moaning got louder. I covered my head with my pillow. I think I fell asleep because when I woke up it was quiet and the light in the bathroom was off. Thank God, I thought.

“I still had fun either way.”

            Her voice was unmistakable. Why was she still there?

“Good to know. Maybe we can do this again sometime.”


            I suppressed a groan. It’s not like he’d ever see the whore again. Why lie to her? I opened my eyes. They were at the door and (not that she noticed) his hands were shaking. Did something happen?

“Bye,” he said.

            Guess that was her cue to leave.

“Text me,” she said.

            Carter nodded impatiently. She left and he closed the door. He leaned back against it and covered his face with his hands. The veins in his neck were pulsing. So he was holding back? Why doesn’t he hold back with me? I was too busy babbling in my mind to notice him take his gun and throw it on the floor. He had that the whole time? He cursed. I watched him take a deep breath and release it with a cough. Even in the dim light of early morning I could see the blood drip down his chin. He wiped at it furiously.

            He’s killing himself, I thought. Is this what he was trying to accomplish by bringing that girl here? His coughing continued and he spouted a string of curse words between each breath. He picked up his cell phone and dialed a number.

“Dad,” he said. “I’m getting worse.”

            Worse? No, you’re making yourself worse.

“Yes,” he said, sighing. “I couldn’t help it. I felt…pressured.” There was a pause through which I could hear his father’s angry voice through the phone. “What was I supposed to do? It would’ve happened either way.” More yelling on his father’s part. “You know what, never mind. I called for help or at least some advice on how to make the urges stop but I guess you aren’t going to help me. Goodnight.”

            He hung up and tossed his phone onto a nearby table. I secretly checked the time. It was still early so I pretended to be asleep even when he slammed the bathroom door shut and locked himself in. The virus was wasting him away while I watched. I felt suddenly guilty. This time I went to sleep and didn’t wake up until eleven.

“Morning,” I said, passing by Carter.

            I made my way to the bathroom and my step faltered. The mirror was broken and shards of glass littered the floor. Blood was splattered on the sink and wall. I was tempted to look back at Carter but I felt him looking at me. Rather than freaking out like I really wanted to, I turned my back as if I hadn’t seen anything and instead headed towards the door.

The VirusTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang