Chapter 18 The New Life Ahead Of Me

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Beep!  Beep!  Beep!  Beep!

I shut the clock off with the palm of my hand and sat up. 4 in the morning what do I do? I walk down the stairs still dark out almost tripped down the steps till I reached the light thing to turn it on. I make some eggs and pancakes till someone knocked on the door. I hurried and turned off the light and grabbed a frying pan. I opened the door I hit the person straight in the forehead. I hit before I looked.

'Oh my gosh it's Kenny.'

"Are you ok I'm so sorry I thought you were someone trying to break in." I help him to the kitchen and grabbed a ice pack.

"I'm so sorry. Very sorry."

"It's ok it'll leave a bump." He stared to laught. "I just thought maybe we could go out to eat?"

"Sure." I hurry to the stove and turn it off and put it in a bowl and left a note "breakfast is here for you guys. I'm going out to breakfast with Kenny I'll be back in a little." I walked back to him and grabbed my coat and went out.

"So is this like a date or no?"

"Sure you can say that. When we get back do you want to go on a trail ride?"

"Sure I haven't gone on one in a long time."

We finished eating and he drove back to my house. We walked in the house and my mom came up to me and hugged me. I waked up to my room and got changed in my riding cloths.

"Mom we're going on a trail ride ok we will be back in a little." I walked out and to the barn were Kenny was. The door was open and he came running out.

"Oh my gosh somethings wrong with Frost. You need to come see." We both ran to Frost stall and she was laying down and her stomach was big

"You silly Frost is pregnant. Do you think Patch did this?" He shrugged. "Well only one way to find out bring her to him and see how he reacts." I hooked her leadrope on her halter and lead her to were Patch was staying. He when crazy he kicked the stall door trying to get out. "Yup he did it."

"How do you know?" He asked in confusion. "Well when  a horse does that it means he knows she's pregnant and wanted to protect her." "Oh I get it."

I ran to the house after putting Frost away. "Mom guess what Frost is pregnant from Patch." Her mouth dropped as she hugged me.

" Are you excited for the new foal? It's your first time having a foal from Frost. Good luck!"

I walked into my room and called Vivian. The first two times she did not pick up.

"Vivian I have good news and bad news."

"Oh no bad news is never good. What's up though?"

"Good news is Frost is having a baby. Bad news is I am moving away to California for a while. I have not talked to my parents about it yet. But I am moving away for a little."

"WHY are you moving away from me and your home town?"

"I need to explore the world. Not just this country but the world. And I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon. But I'll call you and Skype you."

Beep Beep Beep Beep

She hung up on me. She is really mad but she won't start mad at me for ever. Will she?

"Anna come say good bye to Kenny before he leaves."

I walked down stairs and gave him a hug. He left and I told mom and dad to come in the kitchen so I can talk to them.

"Guys you know how sister left? Well I want to explore the world be free and see what the world brings me. I'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon." They both looked at me in a very sad face.

"Well it's your choice we aren't going to keep you locked up for ever. Just be careful."

It was already 10 pm and I wanted to get a good night sleep for tomorrow. I feel asleep really fast.

It was the next morning I was all packed and ready to go. It was 11:59 I Leave in 1 minute to go to the airport and get on my plane.

20 minutes later just got to the airport

I hugged my parents bye and when on the plane. I tryed to put my stuff in the top holder thing and I final got it all in. I sat down in my seat and looked out the window. It was getting dark out I have been in the air line for like 4 hours. But I finally made it on the plane. It was dark and we were in the sky flying high.

Anna don't go please don't leave me No Anna come back. MOM MOM I'M here right by you please don't leave me. Mom dad help I can't see you where are you? MOMMMMMM.

I woke up all scared and shucked up.
'I do miss them so much even Frost because she is having a baby. I wish I was there already. But I can't go back I don't have the money.

That's the and of the book for now I'll upload later hope you guys like it❤

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