Chapter 1 The big day

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I hear my alarm clock go off. I try to find it to shut it off. I finally find it. I stand up and rub my eyes. And yawned and looked what time it was.

~~6:00 am

I gently walked down the stairs and in to the kitchen. I make the coffee for my dad. Then I went into the pantry and got some cereal from the 3rd shelf. I hear my younger brother cry. Then my mom comes down stairs with the baby.  (His name is Dice)

"Hey mom"

"Hey hunny. Sorry about Dice. Don't forget to feed, groom, and water the horses"

I sigh."I know mom"

I hurry and put some cereal in my bowl and some milk.

"Mom is Ria still selling her horse?"

"I don't know hunny. You might want to ask her. Also she is leaving for Arizona tomorrow."

I sigh again. "Ugh why does she have to go to Arizona?"

"Well hunny she found a good collage and she wants to have a good future. So she has to leave."

I finish my last bite of cereal. "Well mom I got to get going. Or I won't have enough time to ride Icy. Ok bye."

I hear my mom yell, "ok hunny"

I saw my dad rounding up the cows with our Boarder Collie. I went to open the barn door and I hear a loud Neigh. I when to go see what it was. The sound was coming from Icy's stall. I screamed as loud as I can. My dad came running in, and called the Vet.

"Go get your mom!!!"


"just go get your mom, NOW!!"

I ran to the house as fast as I could.

"MOM, MOM, MOM!! It's Icy, dad told me to come get you. He just called the Vet person lady. Or what ever it is. He needs you!"

"Whats wrong? And her name is Dr. Bones she my friend."

"I don't know, Dad did not say. Please hurry!!"

"Stay and watch your little brother."


I sat down on the couch and looked out the window. While watching my little brother. After a little while mom and dad came out side of the barn while talking to the vet person.   While dad was talking, momma came in side.

"Mom what's wrong?"



"ya and it's a girl. We might sell it. Or you can have the foal. Me and your dad both knew she was going to have a baby. But we did not tell anyone. So we talked and we decide you can have your own horse."

"WHAT!! your letting me have the baby foal? Yayy!!!!"



"You have to keep up on your chores if you want to keep the foal."


Dad walks in and sees that im happy and excited.

"I'm guessing you told her?"


He walks up the steps and into the bathroom getting washed up and cleaned.I hear someone yell my name.

I yell back. "WHAT"

I walk to the room that my mom and dad were in and they were sitting on the bed.

"You can go see her. Just be careful."

"OK mom thank you so much"

"Your welcome"

I walk out of the room and into my room. I look at my phone.


I saw I notification that said;

Vivian: hey can I come over??

Vivian: hey are you on?

Vivian: Hello Anna

Me: hello I'm on. Icy just had a foal. And it's mine.

Vivian: that's cool. Can i come over?

Me: hold on let me ask my mom and dad.

Vivian: ok hurry

~2 minutes later~

Vivian: hurry

Me: ok they said YES!!!

Vivian: I'll ask my dad to come drop
me off.

Me: ok

~~5 minutes later~~

I hear her dad's Chevrolet black pick up truck pull in my long drive way. I got all excited about having her over to come see the foal with me.

"Anna" she yelled as loud as she can.

"Hey Vivian. Are you excited about the foal?"

Her dad says. "Ya she is. Ever since she asked me she was all jumping up and down. And all that crazy stuff you to do together." He laughs and says his good byes to her.

He yells while pulling out of the drive way. "I love you sweetie."

"I can't wait for today"

"Ya" I said

While we were talking we both ran to the barn to see the baby foal. I opened up the barn door. We saw the foal and it was a paint.

"What are you going to name her?"

"I think Frost."

"Wow that's a beautiful name. I see why you named her that."

After we when to see Frost we both ran in side and took off our boots.

"Mom mom."

"Guess what I named the baby foal."

"Whats her name?"

"Her name is Frost."

"Wow beautiful name."

"That's what I said. Vivian said in a high pitch voice."

We went back out side so we could ride the horses.

"Ok Vivian you get Cobalt and I will get Sasha ok?"


After we got the reins on we rode out on a trial in the woods. Then on our way home I herd a growling sound. I told Vivian and we both started galloping home.


"Anna, Vivian." I hear my mom called from the house. "DINNERS DONE."

We put the horses away and groomed them before we when inside. I smelled the yummy food. We went inside and slipped our boots off.

"Hey Vivian are you going to stay the night?"

"I did not ask. But I'll call my dad and see if it's alright."

I heard her call and the phone ring. But after that I just got some food and ate. After 3 minutes she came and sat down. The food was already cold.

"So my dad said yes. But I'll have to muck out those stalls."

After she said that no one talked for a while, untill everyone was done eating. Then me and Vivian had to watch Dice for a little while because my mom and dad had to go to work. It was already night time and I put Dice to bed. I cleaned up the mess Dice made with his spaghetti-O's. I went up stairs and almost tripped on the last step. I  went in my room and fell asleep.

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