Chapter 14 The Run Away

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I woke up, I thought I was back home in my bed. I opened my eyes and rubbed the crusties away from my eye. I heard people talking and I got up and something throw me back. I couldn't see anything it was really dark, smelly. I thought for a minute 'Ok I was taken by someone and in a dark place. LOCKED UP!!' I was chained up and I could not see anything except for a little hole, that you could see light. Also I could only see the bed I was laying on, it was all ripped up and used by other people. Like they were planing to take people, chain them up. I layed on the bed for a while till some men came in and took me away. The guy on my right looked at the guy on my left while noding their head. They came up to this room, said "Just go in there and talk to the boss." They both looked scared. I opened the door and walked in it was all smokey because he was smoking and it filled the air. He told me to "Sit down in the chair so we can talk." I sat down and looked at him he had a nasty grin on his face. 'Now I know why thought guys were scared. He was creepy and had that grin on his face.' After just sitting there for a while he called the guys in to bring me to my room. I walked into the room I was staying in and sat down on the bed. I waited till they left the area and I ran up to the area were the holes were. I tryed to poke more holes into the wall which the wall is dry wall and it is really easy to brake. I tryed hard but my fingers were to weak from not eating in a while. I go to the door and try to open it thinking it would be locked it opened and I stuck my head out making sure the coast is clear. I walked out if the room closing the door softly and seeing were I was I remembered something. This was the farm were they helped me with riding lessons. But the old people sold it so they could move closer to there childern because one of them was having a baby. So I walked out and turn left and that is where the stables are for the horses. I heard someone walk by but I hid behind a garbage can. They guy was kinda tall and had dark drown hair and had a very low voice. He had blue eyes and someone else was walking by him when he saw me. My heart was beading hard and I screamed I ran to where the drive way was. The guys was chasing me and I got to the road and ran right. I don't know where I'm going, so I kinda lot them in till the other guy came back with his truck my eyes flew opened and my heart beaded faster people were swerving and honking telling them they were on the wrong side of the road. I ran to the left making sure there was no car coming and ran into this person's drive way. I ran up to the door and knocked really hard and this big strong looking guy came out.

"WHATS THE MATTER WITH YOU YOUNG LADY?" He said yelling at me.

"These guys are chasing me PLEASE help I need your help."

The truck was coming while speeding down the road. The guy pulled me in side and this woman came in the kitchen and looked at me.

"Who is this girl and what is she doing in here?" She looked mad.

"No time to explain mamma."

He walked into his room and grabbed a gun.

"Stay here mom and protect her. She needs our help."

She looked at me and then looked at him.

"Ok fine but be careful."

He walked out side and all we could he is mumbling. And then he came inside and we heard a loud "BOOM!!" then he just feel he was bleeding and then his mom grabbed the phone and called "911" and I grabbed the gun and closed the door.

"I know your in there. All we want is the girl, we didn't want to shoot him please just give us the girl."

I locked the door and looked out the window. I loaded the gun up and fired. I shot one guy but the other ran away. In 6 minuets the cops, and the ambience was here. They talk to his mom and loaded the guy up. He was going to be alright and I got drove home. When I pulled into the drive way my parents were outside waiting for me. After I got out if the cop car I ran up to them and hugged them. My mom was crying and my dad was talking to the cops. We all walk inside and Vivian and her parents where here and so was Sydney, and her parents. They were all happy to see me. They gave me all some hugs and before the cop left I told him I remember the number of there house. "24 South Elm St." He shook his head and when back to his car. My dad was in the living room talking to my mom.

"I think we need to get some security cameras so know one else gets hurt."

They both agreed, said I needed to eat something, drink some water or juice. I sat down on the table and they took out some green beans, chicken, and also got some "Gold Peak Tea" Which is my favorite. After I was done they gave me more hugs and they all left besides Sydney her mom let her stay. I get ready for bed and brush my teeth and brush my hair. I gave Sydney another hug and when to bed. It took for ever for me to go to bed because what happened to me today. So I finally feel asleep and had a bad night mere were my brother and parents were killed and they left me to sufer. I woke up and when to the bathroom and washed my face. I drink some water and when back to bed finally in a good sleep.

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