Chapter 9 Frist Day Of School

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I woke of from my mom waking me up, "Time to wake up." I opened my eyes a little and looked at the clock

"Mom it is 6:00 am. Can i get a little bit of sleep?" Layed my head back down on my pillow.

"No, it is your frist day of school. I am not letting you sleep in and be late." She shot back at me.

I sat up and Vivian was already up and down stairs. My mom left the room and I got dressed and grabbed my back pack from the closet and took my phone off the charger. I walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I put my hair in a bun and put some spray on me. I walked out of the bathroom and when down stairs. I smelled the yummy pancakes and bacon being made. I hurryed and took two pancakes and a handful of bacon before my mom and dad eats it all. I finished my last bite of bacon and looked what time it was. I said on the stove. "6:25" but I walked out by the rode at 7:00 I saw Vivian on the couch and so I walked in and asked if she wanted to go feed the horses with me. She said "Yes" I walked past the kitchen and right in front of the kitchen is the front door. Then to the right is the pantry then on the right is were the umbrellas go and mud boots and stuff like that. So I walked into the pantry and grabbed 5 apples. I slipped on my boots and ran to the barn were Vivian was waiting for me by the door. We slid the door opened and I gave the apes to Vivian to feed to the horses. I climbed up the bales of hay and through 5 flakes down and me and Vivian gave each of them their own flake. Since Frost is old enough to be feed by grains and hay he does not need milk from Icy. I looked at the clock on the barn and it said "6:59" we hurried and ran to the house and slipped on my shoes and grabbed my back pack. We ran all the way down to the drive way as the bus was stopping. We got on the bus and some kid yelled "YOU SMELL LIKE STINKY HORSES" All the kids started to laught. It was already 2:29 time when school let out. I have Vivian in 6 of my classes. I was in AR and my teacher said for us to all read. She was dumb because since it was first day of school we had no books to read so we just sat there for a hole hour. The bell finally ranged and Vivian meeted me at my locker.

"Hey Anna, how was AR?"

"Horrible. We sat there for a hour doing nothing. She told us to read, but we didn't have any books yet. We go to the library tomorrow in AR." I signed in relief.

"Well I fell bad for you. That you have Kenny in your class. He is kinda cute!"

"Ya but he is the most hottest boy at this school. Like he will ever like me."

We walked to the bus witch he rode our bus. I pulled out my phone at texted my mom.

The Message:

Me: Mom can Vivian stay with me for the day and help me with the horses?

Mom: Sure, how did your frist day go?

Me: Good, can you ask her dad for me? PLEASE!!!

Mom: Ugh, fine but next time you are doing it.

Me: Ok thank you mom, see ya when I get home.

Mom: Love you to sweetie.

"Who you talking to!?" Vivian said very loud were mostly everyone looked at me weird.

" Really, you have to say it that loud? Shhhhhh a little ok, this is mine and your conversation. No one needs to know what we are talking about." I said in a very mad voice.

"Ok I'm sorry." She said in a sad kinda voice.

"Know never mind. I took it to hard. Hey I talked to my mom about you come over for a little. Do you want to?"

"No, I have some things my mom needs to sign for the school. Also I have some chores to do. Maybe tomorrow."

It was my stop and I hurryed off the bus and waved at Vivian. I walked to the house and changed into my barn cloths. I managed to get some school clothes from Vivian. I walked down into the kitchen and grabbed a peach. I scaffed it down and walked into the mug room.

"Hey hunny. I thought Vivian was coming over?"

"No she had some things she had to do."

"Oh ok well your dad feed the horses their noon feed before he left for work."

"Ok mom thank you. I'll be training Frost. Ok?"

"Ok I'll call you in for dinner."


It was almost sun down and I ran to the barn and walked up to Frost. I rubbed her snout and walked into the tack room. I grabbed the halter, lead rope, the bit, and saddle. I walked up to Frost stall, it is like she knows that we will be training today. She walked up to the door so I can slip her halter and the lead rope on her. I grabbed the other things and walked into the arena then I put the stuff on the rail. I waked her around for a little then I walked her back to were the stuff was. I slipped the bit into her mouth and put the saddle on her. I tied her up to the rail and hurryed into the storage room and grabbed the 3 barrels. I sat them out in the arena and walked back to Frost. I untied her and got on her back. I kicked her sides and said "YAWWW" She went flying into the air to the frist barrel then to the second. Then the third. I got off her back and rubbed her long beautiful neck and untacked her, cleaned her up. I put her back into her stall and through each of them a flake. I walked out side and it was dark. I locked up the barn and walked to the house. I opened the door and the smell of the food made me hungry. I sat down and grabbed what ever I could. I finished the dinner roll and walked up stairs and into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and when in my room. I layed down I my nice cozy bed. I closed my eyes and thougt about tomorrow.

Frost Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora