Chapter 4 Back to Work

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"Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna." I heard someone say in my face. I popped my eyes open and there it was my mom waking me up.

"What do you want?"

"It's already 9:00am. You need to wake up and feed, watered and clean all the horses. Vivian is already starting to do it. She just went out there a flew seconds ago."

I jumped out of bed put on some new cloths and went down stairs. My dad was reading the newspaper and eating some food. And drinking coffee. Dice was in his highchair eating some Yams. I grabbed a bagel and toasted it and put some home made jam on it. After I ate I slipped my boots on and ran out side. My mom yelled "be careful with you head." Which I forgot about what happened. I saw Vivian getting the grains and some snacks for the horses.

"Hey Anna."

"Hey why did you not wake me up?"

"Because you were sound asleep. And you seemed happy. So I did not wake you up."

"Did you already feed Frost?"

"No your dad did. He gave her something different then all the other horses get."

"No he just gave her all the grains and hay to her that the same time."

"Oh ok."

"Since she is a baby she will have access to all the food that we give the other horses separate. Only because she's smaller and there bigger."


"Ya. So do you want to go on a hack?"

"Sure. Did your mom and dad say you could ride horses again?"

"I don't know. My mom just said be careful with my head."

"Ok I get Colbat this time. He is a bucker."

"Ya Ya Ya. So I get Sasha? Right."

"Yes you do."

We saddle the horses up and rode out. After like 4 minutes riding out in the woods. It started to get dark. So we went back.

"So how do you like Frost Anna?"

"She is awesome. When I get back I have to train her for a little. Since I haven't been doing it lately. Do you want to help?"

"Sure. What do I get to do?"

"Um... you can test me. See how good it do. Also you can get some of the things I need for her."

"Ok. So I get to test you. And tell your mom how bad you are."

"Ya ya ya. Whatever."

"I was kidding you know."

"Ya I know. Come on let's not waste time."

We got to the barn in like 2 minutes later. Because we were galloping. After we got there we unsaddled the horses. And cleaned them up.

"Hey can you grab me the small saddle over there."

"Yes Anna."

She handed me the smallest saddle we have.

"We're going to try and make her get used to seeing a saddle. Also can you grab me her halter and the small pair of reins."

"Yes Anna. Here you go."

"Thank you Vivian."

We put the halter on her and she went crazy. Bucking rearing everthing. I calmed her down and gave her a treat.

"I think she is used to it now Anna."

"Ya. But you never know."

"Your right. I'll just have to do this ever day."

I tried to put the saddle on her but she keep running away from me. And when I got it on her she would just keep bucking till it is off.

"Ok I think that is good for today."

I turned around and Vivian wasn't there. I put Frost back in her pen after I groomed her and feed and put water in her pen. I closed and locked the barn back up. I ran to the house and she was siting at the table with my mom and dad and Dice.

"Hey mom do you know we're Ria is?"

"She left this morning."


I sat down by Dice and my dad. I grabbed a plate from the table. I got some spaghetti and a glass of milk.

"Mom. Did you ever go to yours and Lily's horse show?"

"No honey. We were waiting for you to wake up. So you could come. But you did not wake up as when we thought you were going to. So we didn't."

"What. You guys could have gone. I was fine Vivian there."

"Yes I know that. But what if something happened and we weren't there. Something bad could have happened."

I finished my food and when in my room and got my phone. I texted Vivians mom.

The Message:

Me: Hey can Vivian spend another night? I just got out of the hospital.

Vivians Mom: Oh honey are you ok? And you'll have to ask her dad. Because he's the one who picked her up and drops her off. Besides when you guys do.

Me: Ya I'm fine. I was in a cunckushin for 3 days. And ok I'll ask talk later bye.

Vivians Mom: Ok good that your ok. Ok bye.

After I was done talking to Vivians Mom I called her dad. Only because I did not feel like texting.



"Hey can Vivian spend a couple more nights?"

"Um... did you ask her mom?"

"Yes. She told me to ask you."

"Yes she can."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome."

After I got off the phone with her dad I turned around and Vivian wasn't right behind me.

"Who did you call?"

"No one. Do you know we're my mom and dad are?"

"Yes. Your mom's down stairs with your brother. And your dad is talking to a guy about the cows."

"Oh ok."

I ran down stairs and asked my mom if she could spend a couple more nights. And she said "Yes and long as your dad does not care." After the guy left I went and asked my dad and he said "Yes" I went and told Vivian and she did a happy scream. I went down stairs and feed and watered the dogs. I was getting really tired.

"Mom I'm going to take a nap."

"Ok sweetie."

I put my phone on charger and the time was 4 o'clock. I layer my head on my pillow and fell fast to sleep.

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