Key smiled quietly for a second, suddenly reminded of the many hours he had spent on trying to learn Jonghyun English. It was endearing... He missed being with the other for hours after school to do school work, just the two of them and no one else.

"What does that mean?" The memory lost boy asked, snapping the other out of his own bobble. 

"Huh?" Key asked, only to have Jonghyun point at the sign. "Ah... It's English and means a place where you can eat and hear music at the same time." He replied with a thin smile on his lip while nodding.

"Ow... I see." Jonghyun said, not looking as excited about their destination as the old Jonghyun would have. "Won't listening to music while eating be... I don't know... a little distracting?" The he asked, as Key's eyes widened by the words.

Did Jonghyun just say that? Did 'the' Kim Jonghyun who loves playing guitar, listening to music and watching music shows... just say that? Gosh, he really had hit his head real bad if music didn't excite him anymore.

Key found himself staring at the other as Jonghyun started to look rather confused from the lack of response. Key didn't know what it was, but it had suddenly clicked inside of him as he grabbed the other by the arm before dragging him into the cafe. Jonghyun didn't seem to care enough to protest, so he just followed as the other lead them to a table close by the small stage inside the cafe.

Getting seated without a word, Key reached out to grab two menu cards before handing one to the other. Jonghyun slowly accepted it as he looked over at Key who was busy scanning the list of food. He didn't understand what the younger was up to but he could tell it had meant something to him, almost as had he said something wrong earlier.

He wondered, was this perhaps Key's favorite place? Was that why he had seemed upset?

Not too long after, they had both ordered as they now were sipping quietly at their beverages while waiting for their meals. The tension was thick. Key was pretty sure you could cut a knife through the air between them. Though being surrounded by so many people, Key felt like all he could hear was his own nervous breathing and heart beating. Of course that wasn't the case, it was probably more Key's fear for silence speaking... Silence had never been a good sign where he came from as it usually meant you were in trouble.

Desperately looking around to find something to talk about, Jonghyun noticed as his eyes started following Key's in an attempt to see what he might had been looking at. Feeling the present of the other's eyes, Key looked at the elder as their eyes met not even a second later.

No one said anything, made any special facial expressions and no one as much as looked away. Key would have thought that it would have been uncomfortable, that someone would break the ice or at least that the other would have looked away by now... but nothing happened.

The silence continued, but it was slowly going from uncomfortable to something indescribable.

Key couldn't tell how long it had lasted, all he knew was just that he felt his cheeks heat up as he was the first one to break the eye contact. Realizing that, Jonghyun looked away too as he coughed as if it would help him collect himself.

"Here's your food," A waitress appeared, saving the two, as she placed all their food in front of them, "Please eat well." Key bowed his head in return as he let out a 'thank you', Jonghyun copying the other's actions before the waitress walked away again.

The two started to eat, no one really saying anything. Jonghyun seemed to enjoy the food a lot as most of his food were gone before Key could even blink... However, he had always loved food as much as Onew. Well, almost. No one could beat Onew's love for food.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2019 ⏰

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