Pakhitew island, like I said, probably the worst season in my opinion. Again, just unrelatable characters and too much insane stuff happening. It wasn't my cup of tea, and I don't plan on writing it with Julie (sorry guys!)

    I was hoping there would be a decent male character in that season that Julie could fall in love with, Duncan and Alex style, but like I said, they were all just too insane to put up with in my opinion. It honestly would have made the most sense to include Julie in All Stars - Scott getting with courtney would have made Julie hate Courtney, so she and Alex could then bond - but then I'd be writing each episode twice, and at that point its more like a chore than a fun thing to write in my free time. 

    However Ridonculous race - now that was a good season! It was an entirely different idea, with little sprinkles of the old cast included, and it genuinely made me laugh. I only watched that through one time as well, but I actually enjoyed every episode I watched, AND I can see exactly where Duncan and Alex fit in there. 

   But enough about my opinions on the various seasons of TD - briefly about me. Like I said, I'm 20 now, and life is a WHOLLEEEEE lot different from when I was posting on here frequently. When I created my account (God, all the way back on November, 11th, 2011), I was not in a good place in life. I was in a really bad relationship with my first ever boyfriend, just ditched my best friend for him bc I thought we were so in love! and I was just a depressed, angry teenager. 

   And the rest of highschool didn't really get much better than that. Me and bad-relationship boyfriend stayed together until the end of high school, we both put up with too much than we should have, and like I said, I don't wanna get into the nitty gritty details of my life - but I know there are a lot of young people on this site, and I just think it's nice to give my wisdom to you guys - and that is -

  NEVER put up with bullshit in a relationship, whether its your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your best friend, or even if your parents or siblings or your boss or ANYBODY is disrespectful to you? Anybody that puts you down for no reason and makes you feel less than what you really are - FUCK THEM. 

    I put up with a bad relationship for such a long time. I gave up good relationships with so many people for one person who really didn't desvere it. I did fucked up things to him, he did fucked up things to me, and looking back on it I'm like "Jess wtf were you doing??"

   But - all of that said, I do understand why people stay in bad relationships (of any kind), bc I have been there. And you're so in love with the person, (or it's your mom/dad/brother/sister/best friend/whater) and you just keep making those excuses. "We're just fighting alot now, it'll get better when we're older!" "Now that I've ditched all my friends for you, we'll be happy finally!" and then at one point, after years of bullshit, you finally just wake up and have that come to jesus moment and say wow...this won't ever get better!

    So that's life lesson number one, life lesson number 2 - dealing with mental illness type things. Now I know everybody talks about mental illness nowadays - but I don't know that people understand how crippling it can really be to your life unless they go through it, or know someone whos gone through it. 

     I wouldn't say I'm "mentally ill", I dont have terrible mental illness' like schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder, or anything major like that - but through years of being with bad boyfriend and secluding myself for him, I definitely developed some depression and social anxiety and BOY does it suck!

     I thought meeting my new boyfriend, moving in with him, working full time at a law office in a real adult job like i'd always wanted, getting a puppy, going to the gym regularly, and just feeling like a kinda sorta adult (all my current situation) would make my depression just go away. I thought everything would be better when I moved away from home a year ago - and my relationship? Great, my job, great, my puppy, such a little menace, but he's also the greatest little guy in the world! But me? I'm not great to keep it real, and I think that's another thing I want to get across to young readers, and older readers, & just any humans

Thoughts from a 20 Year OldWhere stories live. Discover now