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         So it's been quite a while since I've posted or even anwsered to comments or anything on here. I was feeling some type of way the other day, and started watching old episodes of total drama, which made me think of my TD series, which made me think of wattpad, which made me think of all the people who have come and said they love my series and writing (even though reading back on some of those chapters, like all the early ones, I think it's trash haha), which made me think of the stories I've read on Wattpad and Quizilla back in the day (who else started on Quizilla??), which made me think of when the authors to those stories would just fall off the earth and abandon their account and stories. 

       Now I at least feel when I left I had all of my stories completed (sorta) and wasn't leaving any loose ends (kinda). The kinda-sorta relates to Total Drama Revenge of the Island, and how I made a new character and said I'd go further into her story during Pakehitew Island (have NO idea how to spell that seasons name, not bothering to look it up!), then never wrote either Pakehitew Island or Ridonculous Race (we'll talk about those in a  minute).

       But besides my series and Total Drama as a whole, I wanted to just be real and talk about life and my life (briefly), since I started writing little short stories when I was like 9 and 10, writing Total Drama when I was probably 10 or 11, writing my own fiction novels and books during that time as well, and then just continuing to write all these years, and now I'm 20 and it's just like damn, where did all that time go?

       And Wattpad (and total drama too since it was what got the biggest response from readers) was a huge part of my life between the ages of 10/11 to honestly 17. I stopped following writing new seasons after All Stars for a few reasons: when I finished All Stars, I was making my way through my last year of high school and trying to figure out what was next. I was applying to a bunch of schools, wondering if I should just stay home and do community college, and just dealing with all the shit I dealt with in high school (again, we'll talk in a minute), and I just didn't feel like I had it in me to sit and write an entire new season of total drama. 

   I intended to write Pakehtiw island with Julie (the new character from revenge of the island) as the main character, but honestly...i just didn't really like pakehitw island that much! I only watched the season through once, and I remember the bare minimum of the characters and the plot, and I just didn't see where Julie would fit, so I was like meh, I don't want to. 

   Real talk for a second, out of all seven seasons of TD, seasons 1, 2, and 3 (Island, Action, and World Tour), were the BEST in my opinion. And maybe that's just me being biased since I grew up on those three seasons from end of elementary school to mid-middle school, but they all seemed the most funny and most genuine seasons to me. 

   Revenge of the island wasn't terrible, but I wouldn't put it on par with seasons 1-3. I liked most of the characters, and it did make me laugh, but I felt like after season 1 -3, the show just kept getting more and more ridiculous and it was kind of annoying in my opinion.I know TD is meant for stupid things like that, I mean, season 1 -3 was full of them, but idk, it just seemed to get worse and worse as the seasons went on.

And I think the rest of the seasons weren't as good because they included two new casts. Adding new people to the show wasn't a terrible idea - I mean i LOVED Sierra and Alejandro in season 3 - but I think having an ENTIRELY new cast with NO originals (season 4 and season 6), wasn't the best idea. The coolest thing about shows and movies and books, and anything creative like that, is character development. You keep watching every season, keep reading every book, etc, because you want to see how each character from day one has grown to now. So I think the new casts threw me off as well. 

    I enjoyed All Stars, again I wouldn't say it was the best, ESPECIALLY bc the final was between zoey and mike! I completely get where they were going with that storyline, but the fact that the whole exciting part of that season was old cast joining with the new cast, they a million percent should have had the final be between a newbie and an oldie. But, overall All Stars wasn't miserable either. 

Thoughts from a 20 Year OldWhere stories live. Discover now