Chapter 10: Spread Your Wings

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It was late, after midnight, and the deep blue-black sky did not provide any sense of comfort to Spencer.

She crept over to her huge open window that was allowing cool late-night August air to blow through the room. There weren't many stars out tonight. Most of them were pretty dull, except for one. One star, significantly brighter than the others, was twinkling far away from the others. Slowly, Spencer's brain churned the image of the stars into a new picture. This time, the cluster of dull stars were the faces of everyone she knew. Lilly was there, so were Destiny, Cadence, and Chloe, along with the faces of the policemen that had carried her away from her own birthday party. Her own face had taken the place of the brighter star.

The star was now moving, shooting across the sky, away from the full stars.

Spencer understood now. This was a sign. She needed to get out. Soon. Tonight.

She went to her closet and pulled out the bag she'd packed the day before. She'd hid it in the back, in case Lilly or someone had entered her closet. Spencer made sure she had everything she needed, from a few outfits and pairs of shoes to a small glass container with a glittery substance inside. Magic, of course.

The magic was for emergencies only. When she and Destiny had been exposed to magic as children, they'd used it for stupid things like drawing a mustache on Nick without him knowing, or sneaking an extra cookie without making a sound. Now, Spencer would only use the magic to help her out of sticky situations. She'd use that "extra cookie" technique to sneak out of the castle. No one would see her, all the guards, except the one guarding her door, were patrolling the party.

Spencer opened the door just enough to stick her head out.

"Don't you go to sleep or something?" She asked the guard.

He didn't answer, but she rolled her eyes and continued, "well, anyway, I'm going to bed now. Goodnight."

Then she turned back into her room, gathered her bag at her side, and turned the light off.

Waiting in the darkness, she overheard the guard call another, who told him to come back to the party if she was asleep.

Spencer kicked her bag under her bed, then dashed into it and closed her eyes quickly. The guard came in and walked right out with just a quick glance at her. Phew.

She listened to the guard's heavy footprints leaving the hallway until she could not hear them anymore. She then jumped out of bed, threw her bag over her shoulder and peeked out the door. No one was there. Perfect.

She opened the glass container and pulled out a pinch of magic.

"I really hope this works," Spencer whispered. Suddenly, she was silent. She couldn't even hear herself breathing (but of course she still was).

She opened her mouth and whispered "perfect!" But she couldn't even hear it.

She crept silently through the castle halls, down two staircases, and out the front door. There wasn't even guards at the patrol towers. Awesome.

She tiptoed over to the gate that led into town. She pushed it open with all her might. Then, for the first time without permission or supervision, she left the castle premises. She'd gotten out without being caught.

The next thing to do was find the town's boarding school, which, from her research, she'd determined would take her all night to get to. In the morning, she'd enroll there. With luck, and a few pinches of emergency magic, maybe she would be able to turn her life around for the better.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 18, 2014 ⏰

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