Chapter 11: Anxiety

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My leg bounced rapidly and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get comfy on the couch. Zak watched curiously as I got up and walked outside. Following a few minutes later he found me sat on the pool's edge my feet kicking gently in the cool water. I didn't notice he was there until he crouched to join me his feet causing ripples to splash along the tiled wall.
"Want to tell me what's up?" He asked as he got comfortable next to me, so close that I could feel the warmth radiate off of him. I stared at the large desert moon that lit the whole garden with an ethereal silver shimmer. I considered carefully how to articulate what it was that I was feeling.
"Tomorrow's the big day." I began.
"It is."

"Are you nervous?" I ask him, watching the ripples of the water distort the trapped reflection of the celestial body hanging above us.

"Of course, I've worked on this for a long time, I want it to go smoothly and be well received."

"I'm confident that it will be, just look at how many tickets have sold already. It's a fantastic attraction, you've done a great job with it." I take his hand in mine, playing with his long elegant fingers, tracing the tattoo and following the lines of his palm.
"Thank you, I appreciate that from you very much. But that's not what you meant is it?" I shake my head running my fingertips over the prominent sinews of the back of his hand, committing every line and bump to memory. "The announcement?" He asks me softly. I nod bringing his hand to my mouth, kissing the palm and cupping it against my face.
"What if they hate me? Think that I'm not good enough for you? Or worse, hate you for being with me? What if the media get really cruel?" My questions tumble out of my mouth as my pent up anxiety is released. Zak turns my head to him making me meet his gaze. I find myself immediately relax as I take in the smile in his eyes that reflect the turquoise blue of the pool water, the amber flecks turned to silver in the moonlight.

"Oh sweetie I can't tell you that they won't, though I wish I could. But I can guarantee you a few things. There will be at least as many people rooting for us as there are against us but there will most definitely be people against us. The main thing is no matter what reception we receive it won't change how I feel about you or how our friends feel about us and that's all that really matters." His hand still on my cheek he kisses me softly. "I have something to show you." He pulls his phone from his pocket, presses a few buttons and hands it to me. I scroll through the news article, it was only a small piece but it was on a major entertainment news site notorious for breaking big stories and not being very kind to celebrities.
"Mysterious ghost girl huh? Well, that could have been a lot worse, in fact I kind of like it." I hand him his phone back grinning at him. Apparently, it wasn't only the group of fans who had spotted us during our evening in Vegas, we had officially been papped. Thankfully the only photo they managed to take was of the back of my head as Zak kisses me when we waited for the car. They also published a photo they had obviously bought off of one of the fans but again all you could see was a flash of my hair and my shoulder although Zak's death grip on my hand and discomfort were plain to see. They had interviewed them too and they didn't paint me in a particularly flattering light but the article itself was fairly harmless and kept a surprisingly neutral view on who it might be with the spirit world's most eligible bachelor.
"See it's not so bad is it?" Zak pressed me.
"I guess not although I suspect there will be worse to come."
"Oh, who cares! Look at all the scurrilous claims that have been made about me, yet here I am, they've done me no real harm. Please try not to worry Tracy."

"I'll try," I promise, still whirling the pool water with my feet.
"Was that everything?" He nudges me gently. I really should know better by now, he can read me like a book.
"Do you think your mum will like me?" I chew my lip, I found families difficult to navigate as my social anxiety peaked and the thought of Zak's mum having a problem with our relationship terrified me.
"My mom already loves you, she keeps telling me how happy she is that I am happier and more grounded than I have been for a long time. She's been helping me a lot with the museum and she's amazed that I have barely lost my temper once since I've been back, even when things have gone wrong and gotten stressful. You'd have to do something terrible to make her change her mind on that. My mom is as laid back as I'm not, you really don't have to worry." He tucks my hair behind my ear and I meet his intense eyes once more.
"If you're sure?" He nods and gives me a small reassuring smile. "I just wish we'd been able to meet before the opening, it's a strange event to be meeting at for the first time."
She's been kicking herself for weeks that she couldn't get out of this trip, I'm sure she won't stop apologising to you tomorrow." He grins and I feel my muscles begin to ease as the nervous tension abates slightly.

"Thank you."
"What for?"
"For not thinking I'm silly and for indulging my anxieties."

"There's nothing to indulge, your worries and concerns are all perfectly valid sweetie."
I lean in towards him, anticipating the moment that my lips will meet his. His hands cup my face, his fingers behind my ear his thumbs brushing my cheekbones. Our lips meet and it is as thrilling as our first ever kiss, the now familiar warmth travels quickly to my belly and I melt into him quickly forgetting all my worries and losing myself in the feel of him. 

Trying to ease myself back into things gently...and amping up to the raunchy next chapter! Thanks for sticking with me after my prolonged break. *GM* 

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