Chapter6: Close encounters of the fan kind

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As the city loomed up in front of us the sun had just dropped below the horizon but this was the city that never sleeps and the strip was still a hustle and bustle of cars, people and performers. We inched slowly forwards before turning into one of the casinos where the car was handed over to valet parking, just another weird concept I was going to have to get used to. Zak donned his usual attempt at a disguise which consisted of his shades and cap pulled over his trademark hair but he warned me that there was a good chance that he would be recognised. For that reason we kept a chaste distance from each other as we walked through the crowd, it felt strange not to hold his hand and I had to make a real and conscious effort not to reach for him. It's funny how much you want something more when you can't have it, or not so funny as I had to really fight the urge not to pounce on him and kiss him half to death. Truth be told we'd have both been happier to give it a miss and go straight home but Zak wanted to make sure that I was familiar with everywhere and everything so I didn't get myself lost or into any trouble. He was adamant even after I reminded him that I had travelled half the world alone and survived.

"Yes, but I didn't know you then, now it's my job to keep you safe." I rolled my eyes but really I was touched.

We weaved our way to the main mall and I gaped open-mouthed at the array of stores and attractions, I'm not sure I would have ever get used to everything being so big and loud, even in all my travels I had never experienced anything quite like it. Zak pointed out the main casinos and we even popped into one to play a couple of games of blackjack and roulette after I confessed I'd never been in one before. We explored a while longer but my feet were starting to hurt and we'd both had our fill of all the people so we turned back towards parking. The type of crowd had changed since day turned to night, they were bolder and boisterous, inattentive of whose space they invaded. I found myself being bumped and pushed, Zak slipped his arm around my shoulder protectively and we'd almost made it back to the car without incident when he was recognised by a group of young college kids. The guys were jock types and though amiable enough they were acutely aware and protective of their own masculinity.

"Hey bro look! It's that fucking crazy ghost dude!" The biggest pointed us out to his friend. Zak tried to keep his head down but the flow of people was against us.

"Nah man, that's not him where's the spiky hair and that goofy looking dude he's always with." The other guy questioned squinting at Zak.

"Dud, its totally him I bet you anything, come on!" We had no escape as the group came our way and the news of who Zak was quickly spread.

"Oh my god! It is him, Zak Bagans!" One of the girls squealed, jumping up and down grabbing at the arm of her friend.

"Oh, he's so dreamy and brave." Another fawned and I tried my hardest to suppress my laughter.

There was a lot of posturing from the guys as they shook hands and took selfies but they were well behaved and respectful enough. Somehow Zak had managed to keep hold of my hand so far as I ducked out of the pictures and kept out of the way but as the girls pushed forwards things took a different turn.

"Oh Zak, can you sign my top for just here?" She pointed to a spot right over her perky breast and giggled. He shot me an apologetic look but I just grinned at him, not the least bit threatened by their flirting and forwardness.

"Can my friend and I get a photo with you? She's too shy to say but she thinks you're so sexy, isn't she hot too?" He reluctantly dropped my hand and the girls draped themselves over him as another took the pictures, I couldn't help the snort of laughter escaping as I watched their shameless posing and how ridiculous it looked with Zak standing stiffly and uncomfortable in between them, they were completely oblivious. Unfortunately the more outspoken of the group heard me and shot me the ultimate bitchface.

Hexed (Sequel to Double Down Demons)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz