Chapter 10: Premonitions, pranks and purchases

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The crumpled pile of metal at the intersection was the stuff of nightmares and my heart was in my throat. The scene was surrounded by flashing blue and red lights and the traffic was already beginning to tail back through the city. I took a calming breath thankful that I couldn't see any sign of the matte black Charger amongst the twisted,  smoking wreckage but I felt a little sick at the sight all the same. Ten minutes later I threw myself into Zak's arms as soon as I found him in the kitchen not noticing the pallor of his face. To my surprise, he hugged me to him tightly without question but his tight hold was not enough to mask the fact that he was shaking.

"Zak? What's the matter, honey?" I lean back and ask him only then seeing how pale he was. 'Woah, what's wrong?"

"You saw the accident?" I nod, "It happened right in front of me while I was sat at the red light. Shit! Had I been a second or two earlier I would have been under that truck. I slowed down just before the junction after you had asked me to, if you hadn't..." I stop his train of thought with a kiss, not sure that I could bear to hear any more about the what if. "Thank you for calling me out on my stupid behaviour."

"Anytime and with pleasure!" I joke but hug him close. "Thank you for listening to me." We spend the rest of the evening in a daze, we remained glued to each other having been shaken by the close call especially as we learned someone had tragically lost their life that afternoon. I felt guilty for thanking my lucky stars that it hadn't been Zak. I couldn't miss the constant glances and puzzled looks that he was throwing my way when he thought I wasn't looking. It was as if I had suddenly sprouted a second head.

"Will you just spit it out?" I finally crack as I climb into bed next to him.


"You keep looking at me like I'm some kind of freak. What's on your mind?"

How did you know?" He asks me quietly.

"Know what?" I'm thoroughly confused.

"That there was going to be an accident."

"I didn't. I had no idea. I may be a freaky witch girl but that was pure coincidence and good fortune. I didn't have any premonitions or feelings if that's what you think, I just wasn't impressed with you driving like a loon." He looks doubtful but drops the subject and stops staring at me and waiting for me to go into a trance and come up with next week's lotto numbers.

"Zak come on you're going to be late!" I shout up the stairs.

"But my hair!" I hear him whine from the depths of the bedroom.

"You're going to be shut up in the museum all day, your hair doesn't need to be perfect."

"If it's going to be seen it needs to be preened." He insists as he trots down the stairs pulling on one of his many snapbacks having given up on creating coiffed perfection. I start humming 'You're so vain' under my breath as I place a plate of waffles in front of him and I'm not surprised by the well-placed blow on my behind as I turn back to the kitchen but it doesn't stop me chuckling to myself.

"So Aaron's picking you up in twenty minutes right?" They were taking Aaron's truck to pick up the large disclaimer sign and a few other bits and pieces to take to the museum.

"Yep, then I'll be there all day and will probably be a lateish finish, unfortunately, I want to get everything finished up today so there's no rushing around tomorrow. What are you going to get up to this morning?"

"I'm gonna have a swim and then spend some special bonding time with my girl Gracie," Gracie's ears prick and tail thumps against the floor at the mention of her name, "Then I'll come and pick Cece up at around three if that's still ok?"

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