Chapter 1: Of hearse and home

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As we raced through the Vegas traffic safely encapsulated in Zak's monster car I was trying to take in as many of the sights as I could as they whizzed by. Dusk was falling and the neon lights flashed like beacons all garnering for my attention, but there was one beacon in the growing dark that captured my attention every time as it glowed in my direction. Zak's smile was distracting as it drew my eye to him away from the cityscape as we passed the famous Bellagio fountains.

"Eyes on the road please Bagans!" I pointed straight ahead at the traffic and crowds legitimately concerned for our safety as Zak stared at me rather than concentrate on the road.

"Sorry, sweetie I just can't believe you're actually here! I want to drink you in while I can."

"Oh hush you soft bastard, get us home safely and you can drink me in all you like." I give him a wink and place my hand on his thigh. I laughed as the engine revved in his race to get us back to his place.

As darkness fell Zak removed his shades and it was my turn to stare. His eyes had always been my favourite feature and they captivated me with their kaleidoscope of colours. In the soft glow of the dash and the flash of headlights from passing cars, they were the deepest darkest grey with a warm halo of amber circling his large black pupils. So stunning.

"You're making it very difficult for me to concentrate on the road with that look on your face." He glanced at me and I felt my cheeks flush at having been caught out, I bite my lip but couldn't bring myself to turn away. "Still not helping!"

"Some might say I was making it hard for you." I chuckled cheekily.

"Tracy!" He warned me as he wriggled uncomfortably in his seat. "So help me I will stop this car and do bad things to you right now!" I laughed but valued our safety and Zak's reputation too much to push him further so turned my attention back to the landscape speeding by the window.The bright lights of Vegas were in the distance and buildings and houses were becoming set farther apart. The desert vista was more prominent, the orange sand and rocks occasionally looming out of the gloom. A few minutes later we turn into a small gated community, the guard obviously familiar with Zak and his car waved us straight through. My jaw dropped to the floor as I took in the complex. I felt completely out of place in what was obviously a prestigious community. The grand houses with their large manicured gardens and the spotless streets were like nothing I had experienced before. In all honesty it wasn't really to my taste but I understood the attraction and in Zak's case the necessity. The privacy and security of the compound were definitely a benefit to someone like him. We rounded the corner and climbed uphill slightly as Zak pointed ahead.

"That's my house there at the end." I couldn't really see the house as such as it was situated at the very end of the cul de sac and was set back from the road. There was a long driveway, the entrance flanked by two brick pillars, sat on top of the pillars looking ready to pounce were two large stone dragons guarding the property. As we glided past the sentinels an elaborate cast iron gate slid slowly closed behind us. Up ahead I caught my first proper glimpse of the house and gasped. It was huge yet understated, at odds with the gateway we had just passed through. The white rendered walls glowed softly from the subtle outdoor lighting, the porch light shone brightly showing the large wooden and frosted glass door. A huge glossy black truck was parked opposite but I thought nothing of it as I took in the large picture windows and beautiful desert garden of succulents, cacti, and palms that bordered the driveway. We passed the front door and swing into the garage that had automatically open as we had driven through the gate.

"You've gone very quiet." Zak turned to me as he switched off the engine.

"You're frigging garage is bigger than my whole house!" I exclaim then clap my hand over my mouth embarrassed at my outburst. Zak shook his head with a small smile on his face. "Sorry, I'm just not used to this," I mumble gesturing around the room at the array of cars parked and gleaming under the lights. "Oh my god! Is that a hearse?!" I squeal as I spot the matt black, pimped out Pontiac Bonneville hearse.

"Yep," He nods proudly.

"Ooh ooh! Can I drive it?" I jump up and down in my seat. 

"We'll see." He looks slightly worried and I get the feeling it may take a while for him to trust me with one of his babies. "Anyway, come on let's go inside."

"Wait! Just one more question, do you have a visitor's map?" I ask trying to keep a straight face. Zak rolls his eyes but I get the impression that he appreciates the fact that I'm not getting star struck nor am I falling over myself gushing over his cars and home.

"Don't worry you'll get a fully guided tour and there are whistles and snacks in every room in case you ever get lost." He jokes back. I burst out laughing and grab his hand.

"Come on then, lead the way." He pulls me towards a door to the rear of the garage which leads to a long corridor, we walk towards the light at the end and I had to stop myself from tripping over my own feet as I looked across the huge open plan kitchen, diner and lounge. With massive folding glass doors opened up to the glowing pool and gardens outside it was a beautiful space. I had seen a little of the house from Zak's snaps and our frequent skype calls but nothing prepared me for seeing it for real. I spin around slowly to take it all in. I usually prefer small and cozy but I couldn't deny that this was stunning. I was just thinking about how much I was going to enjoy cooking in the kitchen and swimming in the pool when I was swept off my feet by someone charging through the doorway behind me. I shrieked in shock and gripped onto their wrists as the grasped me tightly around the waist.

"Pompom!" Aaron's voice boomed as he shook me up and down causing me to scream some more.

"Sasquatch put me down!" I yelled and as my feet touched the ground a black and white blur rushed past my legs and barrelled into Zak, pawing at him excitedly with little yips and yaps.

"Hey Gracie, I see Uncle Aaron has been getting you all overexcited again." He bent to pet her gently in an effort to calm her down.

"I did not! We were just playing chasey weren't we Gracie." Aaron huffs with indignation.

"Oh, Gracie!" I cooed softly, forgetting a moment about Aaron or even Zak. I crouch down and reach out my hand. "Hey girl, I'm so happy to finally meet you," I spoke softly to gain her trust, she cocked her head to the side and regarded me with intelligent eyes. "Come on sweetie, don't be scared I have a present for you later." She leaned forward her nostrils flaring capturing my scent with her sensitive nose.

"Go on Gracie this is Tracy, remember I told you all about her and you spoke with her on the phone. That's your new boyfriend Rufus that you can smell." Zak encouraged her sweetly and I swear her ears prick up at the mention of Rufus'name. She stepped forward gingerly, her nose a hair's breadth away from my hand, I can feel her warm breath wash over my knuckles.

"Hey Gracie girl." I encourage her softly and she licks my hand tentatively. I dared to move my hand to her ears and give her a good scritch and the next thing I know her tail is wagging excitedly and she leans into me begging for more and I am happy to oblige. "Awww aren't you beautiful, yes you are!" I was certain that we had made friends as she laid on her back exposing her belly for a good rub.

"Ok, so I need to grow fur to get your attention I get it," Aaron grumbled.
"But you have got fur." I tugged on his beard, "Any more and you really will look like Sasquatch." I laugh as he pouts. "Oh stop your sulking." I give him a quick scratch on the belly before giving him a proper hug. "Better?"
"Better!" He grins. "Anyway, I just wanted to be here to say hello cos I couldn't wait until tomorrow but I'll go and leave you both to it." He wriggles his eyebrows earning himself a swat from me. "I'll see you in the morning." And chuckling he strides down the hallway and lets himself out the front door.

"So," Zak reached for my hand, " I had better give you that tour." I bite my lip and swallow thickly as he stared into my soul. "Let's start with the bedrooms." I felt the fire ignite in my core as he led me up the staircase.

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