Chapter 5: Bid for independence

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"So we're parked in the middle of nowhere for why?" I ask as I look around the desolate looking place with nothing but the road, rocks and gravel.
"I'll show you, come on." Zak lead me to what I had assumed to be a solid rock formation. In fact, it was actually two huge boulders side by side with a hidden natural pathway in between. He took my hand and guided me over the uneven terrain. I kept my eyes on my feet not wanting to trip or fall so I didn't notice as the path widened and opened out in front of us until Zak stopped abruptly. I look up and words fail me.

It was as if the whole of Nevada was spread out before me with Las Vegas slap bang in the middle. The azure blue sky was vast and blemished only by a few popcorn clouds, the sun sends an occasional flare as it bounces off a windscreen on the distant highway, Vegas itself looking like a scale model and the infinite desert stretching as far as the eye can see. At my feet, a picnic blanket, cushions and cooler were nestled amongst the rocks. It was stunning.

"Holy wow!" I finally find my voice but apparently not any intelligent thoughts

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Holy wow!" I finally find my voice but apparently not any intelligent thoughts.

"Beautiful right? It's a well kept secret with one of the best views to be found I think."He pulls me to his side resting his arm casually over my shoulder.

"It's gorgeous." I tear my eyes away from the view, "But where did all this come from?" I indicate the blanket and cushions.

"Cece came up and arranged it for me."

"Awww is that why she wasn't at breakfast this morning?' Zak gives me a sheepish nod. "Poor girl you work her so hard, I can't wait to meet her I feel like I know her already." Cece and I had been in contact just as much if not more so than Zak and I in order to get me prepared with my social media accounts and arranging my visa application. If anything needed chasing up or problem-solving I knew I could count on Cece.

"I'm beginning to think you were more excited to meet my friends than coming to see me." Zak sulked.

"Yeah, you might be right." Zak turned to me just to check whether I was joking. "And you're a fool if you really think that Bagans, we could be alone in the middle of the desert and I would be happy."

"We are alone in the middle of the desert."
"Then I'm bloody well happy!" I turn and beam at him to find him grinning back at me. "Idjit." It felt good to fall back into our good-humoured banter, I stand on my tiptoes and give him a quick kiss.

We settle down amongst the puffy cushions and I dig eagerly through the cooler to see what delicious delights were inside. I pulled out cheeses, cold cuts, olives, crackers, dips, fresh fruit and chocolate covered strawberries and to wash it all down the choice of beer, fruit juice or water.

'Oh yum! First breakfast, now this. I'm gonna have to make good use of that pool to burn all these calories." I chewed on an olive savouring the pop of salty flavour.

"Oh you'll be burning calories don't you worry!" His face full of mischief I give Zak a shove but it backfires as he falls back on the cushions and pulls me down with him. The urge to pounce was strong but I resisted as he linked his arms around me. I lay my hands on his chest and rest my chin on them as I look at the handsome face above me.

"You really don't have to make all these grand gestures for my benefit you know."

"A picnic is hardly a grand gesture sweetie, its something normal couples do." He insists.

"It's grand to me though and I appreciate it, in fact I love it but I'm happy just to be here with you I don't need any of this to make it special." He sighs in exasperation.

"I love that you don't need or expect this, Tracy but please get used to the idea that I am going to treat and spoil you, not because I think you need it but because I want to. Plus after you took me on that road trip in Australia this is the very least I can do. I want to make so many special memories with you." He brushes my hair back from my face and I smile up at him.

"Well ok if you insist, I guess I could get used to it." I pretend to sigh.

"Now don't put yourself out or anything will you?" He laughs. I wiggle up his body so I can reach to kiss him.

"Oh, I won't." I give him a wink earning myself a tap on my backside.

We laid together in silence for a little while, enjoying the view, the company and the quiet. I was in my safe and happy place with Zak's arms locked around me and the reassuring steady thump of his heartbeat under my ear. It was only the angry growl of his stomach that made me move.

"Let's eat, I wouldn't want Cece's hard work to go waste." I reach for a strawberry and pop it into Zak's mouth before he can protest. "So what's happening between now and Saturday?" I ask wondering how we would be spending our time over the next couple of days. Zak swallows and looks a little nervous.

"I hate to say it but I will be tied up at the museum getting all the last minute prep done so we're not going to have much time for the fun stuff." He looks so worried that I'm going to be upset that I almost laugh but it occurs to me that there's a good chance that in the past he's gotten a hard time from girlfriends who wanted his undivided attention and resented his work.

"That's cool, I totally expected that would be the case I just didn't know if you wanted any help with anything? I'm all too happy to get down and dirty." I offered, grinning at once again being able to turn any conversation into an innuendo. Zak raises an eyebrow but wisely doesn't get distracted by my lewd humour.

"Tomorrow it would be great if you could record your soundbite for the knife exhibit as long as you don't mind still doing that. I also would like to show you some ideas and possible plans for extending the gift shop if you are still interested in opening the Nook." He alludes to my dream of opening a venue to combine a shop, arts and crafts studio/gallery and meeting space. A place for the weird and the misfits to feel welcome.

"That sounds great!" I'm genuinely touched that he is so supportive of my idea and is keen to get involved.

"Excellent, I'll need to be there all day but I'll get Bacon to come pick you up in the afternoon." I pout at him hating the idea of being chauffeured around.

"Can't I drive myself?" I ask, not particularly hopeful for my desired answer.

"You said yourself that you're not used to driving powerful cars, I wouldn't feel comfortable, I'd be worried about you the whole time."
"And your car," I add with a good-natured chuckle.

"And my car." He agrees with a smile, obviously relieved that I wasn't getting mad. I knew how to pick my battles and this wasn't worth an argument, however, I was willing to try and barter.

"How about the hearse?" I ask hopefully, batting my eyelashes to try and persuade him.

"Nup, it has a souped-up engine and is way too conspicuous." Dammit, well it was worth a try.

"Then how about I hire a car?" I was surprised when he actually considered this for a moment.

"Nah, hire cars are generally garbage and a huge waste of money. Leave it with me I'll figure something out." I raised my eyebrows in question wondering what he could possibly be plotting but I wasn't going to push it when he was willing to indulge my need for independence.

We grazed on the food as we talked more about what was left to be done at the museum and he agreed that I could kidnap Cece and take her shopping for the opening event which was going to be a semi-formal cocktail party. I wanted to thank her for all the time she had spent helping me and take the chance to chat and develop what felt like a blossoming friendship. We also decided that I would pick up any slack with running errands as and when they were required, I was excited to get involved but still a little nervous for what Saturday itself entailed. The day that I would be the confirmed girlfriend of Zak Bagans the famous paranormal investigator, and therefore fair game for the public eye.

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