Chapter 8: Feeling the pulse

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"Hello, thank you for coming but we're not open just yet." Zak glanced up from where he stood at the front counter ticking items off a list in front of him.

"Not even for me?" I step forwards so he can see me better in the low light.

"Tracy?" He looks up properly and his jaw hits the floor. "Is that really you? You look so different!"

"Different good I hope." I laugh feeling self-conscious as I wait for him to come out from behind the desk.

"You look fucking stunning! You always do but wow! You're beautiful." He stands staring at me and I feel the heat creep into my face.

"Thank you," I say shyly not quite knowing how to respond to such gushing compliments. I step forward and kiss him laughing to myself as I wipe away the slight stain I leave on his lips with my thumb.

"Wow! Ummm, well, ummm yes! Welcome to my haunted museum." He regains his composure and gestures behind him.

"Do I get a private tour?"

"You betcha, come right this way." He leads me down the dark hallway adorned with creepy paintings and portraits. There are numerous doors leading to rooms each with a different theme. We walked through each quickly but I vowed to come back later and explore them properly when things were less hectic. As we make our way back towards the office at the front of the building we walk past the gated staircase to the basement. The closer we get the stranger I feel, equal parts intrigued and repulsed.

"Are you not opening up the basement to visitors?" I stop at the gate and look towards the closed door below.

"Definitely not, it's too risky. It will be locked at all times and we need to put up the no entry signs. No one goes down there alone, not even me, the only exception being for investigations. The same goes for you, don't go down there unless someone is with you ok? I may do some special events or tours but even then they'll be strictly controlled." For Zak to be so cautious of his own well-being as well as others I knew what he said was deadly serious. Couple that with the feeling of nausea that had begun as I stared at the door I had no problem agreeing.

"You have no argument from me." I make to move away, wanting to distance myself from the energy.

"You don't want to have a look down there now?" Zak asks me but I shake my head and walk away.

"Maybe another time but I'm not really liking the vibe I'm getting from it right now." Ever since the experience with Hatchi I had always carried at least one form of protection with me at all times so I knew that it had to be a powerful energy to be affecting me so strongly. Thankfully the feeling quickly abated as we moved away.

"You alright sweetie?"

"Yep, just needed some distance from it. You're right to be cautious, whatever's down there has some serious power."

"You feel it?" Zak's brow furrows, he understands more than anyone about my abilities and it always worries him when I get affected.

"Yep, though I'd be surprised if there was anyone that couldn't feel it even just a little bit." Zak nods and I can see his thoughts whirring in his mind. I quickly forget the basement however as we stop n front of another closed door and a different kind of energy makes itself known to me. Like an erratic pulse, I feel it in my chest and it entices me towards the room. "This is the knife room," I state matter of factly and Zak's eyes widen in disbelief.

"How do you know?"

"I can feel it, I guess Hatchi can feel me here too and is a little agitated." I shrug.

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