Chapter 12- The Way To Helm's Deep

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He hurried ahead of the group, stopping as he came to the crest of the hill. There were inhuman screams and swords clashing, stopping everyone in their steps. Legolas disappeared over the hill as Aragorn ran after him.

"A scout!" Amara heard Legolas shout. Aragorn hurries back down the hill to the people. Theoden rides up to him

"What is it? What do you see?" He asked. Aragorn ran to his horse

"Warg! We're under attack!"

The people of Rohan begin to panic

"Get them out of here!" He shouted.

"All riders to the head of the column." Theoden commanded. Gimli grabbed the reigns of a nearby horse and tried to climb onto it.

"Come on. Get me up here. I'm a rider. Come on!"

Legolas runs to the top of the hill and sees many Wargs running towards them.

Amara drew her sword and turned her horse around towards the oncoming battle.

"Amara, go with Eowyn. Get the women and children to safety!" Aragorn called.

"No! I'm going to fight!" Amara protested.

"You're not well enough."

"I'm fine." Amara said through gritted teeth. Aragorn sighed.

"Just go, Amara. Please." The ranger begged. He rode away for battle. Amara remained where she was, watching the knights disappear over the hill.

The women and children fled frantically, Eowyn desperately trying to calm them. Soon Amara was alone, sat between the battle and the fleeing people. Then a growl caught her attention.

A warg appeared over the hill, an orc riding on it, swinging his jagged sword. He rode by Amara, towards the women and children. Their screams brought Amara back to reality. She dug her heels into the horse and rode towards the warg and orc.

Women were tossing their few belongings at the orc, trying to ward it off. Amara rode by and sliced across the Orcs chest.

"Get back!" She shouted to the people before going in to attack the warg and it's orc rider. They fought against eachother before Amara quickly drove her sword through the Orcs head and swung down, slicing through the wargs throat. It's growls were immediately silenced. The people looked up at Amara.

"Make for the lower ground!" She shouted.

"Stay together!" Eowyn added.

Amara took the lead, dismounting from her horse and allowing an older woman ride. Eowyn fell in step with the elf dwarf.

"You'd rather be fighting." She stated. Amara nodded.

"So would I." Eowyn added. Amara smiled slightly.

"You can fight?"

"Yes..though not as well as you, I fear." Amara shook her head.

"I am not someone you should compare to."

"Will you teach me how to use a bow?"

"Maybe in simpler times..." Amara said simply. Eowyn nodded and they continued their trek to Helm's Deep.


The people walk down a hill and see in front of them Helms Deep.

"At last! Helm's Deep There it is, Helm's Deep. We're safe!" Everyone cheered.

"We're safe, my ladies. Thank you." A woman said to Amara and Eowyn.

They walk into Helm's Deep. There are many people and soldiers everywhere. Two children ran passed Amara.

"Mama!" The girl called.

"Eothain! Freda!" Their mother cried, scooping them into her arms.

"Where is the rest?" Eowyn asked a nearby soldier.

"This is all we could save, my lady." Amara walked deeper into Helm's Deep, making her way to a quiet secluded alleyway. There she leaned against the wall and pulled up her shirt. Blood stained the bandage around her waist.

"You're bleeding!" Eowyn appeared around the corner.

"I'm fine." Amara murmured, pulling her shirt back down.

"No, you're not, Amara. It's okay to let your pain show." She said gently. Amara looked up at the maiden and sighed.

"Let me help." Eowyn led the elf dwarf through Helm's Deep until they made it to what seemed like a makeshift recovery room.

"Can we get some fresh bandages? And water." Eowyn ordered. The women nodded and handed the items to Eowyn.

"Sit down, Amara." She demanded. Amara did without protest and Eowyn patched her wound back up. "You have to be more careful." She murmured.

"Make way for the king. Make way for Theoden. Make way for the king." A voice echoed through out Helm's Deep. Eowyn and Amara shot up.

"Stay here." Eowyn said. Amara rolled her eyes and sat down. Eowyn disappeared around the corner.

A few moments passed, which seemed like hours for Amara, before two familiar face cane running around the corner.

"Amara! Are you okay?" Legolas asked.

"What happened?" Gimli asked. Amara jumped up and tackled the dwarf into a hug then Legolas.

"You're alright! Thank Valar." She cried.

"Are you alright?" Legolas asked again.

"Me? Of course! My wound just bled a little that's all." She explained. She stepped back from Legolas and looked around.

"Where's Aragorn? Is he with the king?" Legolas and Gimli shared a look. Legolas opened his fist, revealing the Evenstar that Aragorn always wore.

"He fell." Gimli choked out. Amara felt all air leave her as she stepped back.

"No. No..he can't be." She stuttered out, suddenly finding that she was no longer able to hold herself up. Amara collapsed to her knees as Legolas and Gimli moved to comfort her.

"I should have been there, then maybe this wouldn't have happened!" She cried.

"Uma il- shasti osaer." {Do not blame yourself} Legolas murmured. Amara cried her heart out and she didn't know how much more pain and loss she could take.

A Shattered Life (LOTR/Legolas Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang