Whacking Weirdos

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(Previously: "Don't run, I haven't ate all day" the man smirked wickedly, walking towards her slowly.)

"Are... You... Kidding... Me... A... Cannibal..." She grabbed her head shaking it, "Think Yuki, think" she mumbled. She quickly picked him the crowbar, "Hit the weirdo, or break the window, fall and possibly die.." she thought to herself while watching the man come closer. "I chose the window, maybe if i die i won't deal with these creeps anymore... heh" she hit the window and busted the glass out completely. "The heck with it, your giving me goosebumps" Yuki said before whacking the weirdo across the head, carefully, not getting a single cut by him. She then jumped out the window landing on the 5 inches worth of snow, but.. the glass that landed on the snow, cut her ankle pretty bad. Yuki slowly pulled out the piece of glass still stuck in her ankle and cringed in pain. After several tears forming in her eyes from the pain, she bit the bottom of her shirt and ripped off a piece of fabric. And tied it around her ankle, Yuki took one deep breath before zipping her jacket shut so that the cold wouldn't freeze her. Even though how bad it tasted, she decided to lick the blood off the wound on her elbow. And shuttered and the metal like taste, Yuki then started walking in the forest. It's not like she had anywhere else to go now, treading through snow with Yuki dragging her feet while every now and then groaning from the pain. Going forward, the snow seemed to fall heavier, Yuki thinking in space while walking ran into something. She's been running into almost everything now, but this time it was worse then before. This person made her scream instantly, she didn't expect to see them in front of her.

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