A Painful Bite

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(Previously: "I'm not falling for it twice" she had her hand in her pocket, her clothes weren't even one percent appropriate for what any royalty and demons wore.)

"Good choice" Xavier grabbed her wrist, as she attempted to pull it out of his grasp. He pulled her arm up to his face, where he could easily bite her wrist. Yuki had one foot on the ground standing on her tippy toes, and the other slightly in the air. She was at least two foot shorter then him, the moment she tried kicking him down, he bit into her wrist without any hesitation. He continued taking big gulps of her blood, Yuki eventually fell to the ground. And as she fell the door was busted open, Zeal's face looked heavy with worry and fear. He quickly turned to Xavier "See!" Zeal yelled before yanking the chains out of Xavier's grip. Zeal ran to Yuki quickly slipping out of the chains and shackles, Xavier had no longer a solemn face. But a expression full of hate and anger, Destro didn't honestly care, as to he was still savoring the taste of her blood. Zeal laid his head to where her heart would be, and still felt a pulse. The relieved Zeal vanished with Yuki in his arms, and when he reappeared back to the demon princes mansion he no longer had her in his arms. She was safe and sound back at Zeal's room in the Sora Demon Quarters, Xavier charged at Destro. Zeal could foresee what was about to happen, he tried to stop him.. but he was too late, the wings covered by Xaviers shirt. Were now cut off, Xavier cringed at the pain, the blood soaking the back of his shirt. And then, Xavier had vanished along with Destro. Zeal could only imagine the worst.

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