"I'm going mad!"

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(Previously: Yuki grabbed some of the paper towels, and spit on them wiping the blood from her scraped elbow.)

After doing so, she threw the bloodied paper towels away like a nice person. And left, but again when she left, she was at a different place. But one she hasn't seen. A lit room with shelves filled with black body bags, that happened to be filled. Yuki was shaking in fear, black dots appearing in her sight. She was close to fainting, Yuki sat in a corner of the room. Away from all the dead bodies which littered the shelves, she took heavy breathes in and out. After a while of calming down, she left that room shaking. When she left out the door she was now in a elevator, "This... is .. is insane! I'm going mad!" Yuki put her hands on her hand and tears streamed down her face. "When.. When did i disappear so far from that guy that guarded me in my memories... I was, i was perfectly fine till those princes tortured me!" the girl closed her eyes. "That's it... That's it! I've finally gone mad!" Yuki yelled when she opened her eyes, and noticed she was in that... Surgery room, and all lights were on. This time, she didn't see the shadow, the surgery room was... colorful like a daycare, foam puzzle pieces as the floor. And purple poke-a-dot wallpaper littered the walls like yesterdays old newspaper. The girl who still had tears running down her face, couldn't move, her fear took over. She saw those wings from before on that back table... with blood, red blood and bones sticking out from the wings. Like if it was ripped off of someone, she felt some kind of warm touch on her cold shoulders. And immediately screamed, this was the first time she screamed since shes been here!

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