Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

He let go of me.

Y/n: It's only for a week. I'm sorry Kookie but I have to go. 

He didn't say anything.

Y/n: If we seal the deal I won't have to work with Taehyung anymore.

JungKook: Really?

His face brightens up. I nodded.

JungKook: When are you leaving?

Y/n: (I let out a nervous chuckle). Tomorrow.

JungKook: TOMORROW!?! 

Y/n: Yup. So why don't we go on a date today?

JungKook: OK! Where should we go? Nevermind, You go get ready and I'll pick you up in a few hours.

Y/n: You know we live in the same house?

JunKook: I know. I'll pick you up!

He quickly left the house.


JungKook: Are you ready?

Y/n: Yup.

JungKook: let's go!

After a few minutes of driving, we arrived at a park.

JungKook: Close your eyes I'll lead you.

JungKook: Close your eyes I'll lead you

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JungKook: You can open your eyes.

I opened my eyes to see flower petals everywhere and a small picnic under a big tree filled with all my favorite foods.

Y/n: WOW! You did all this ... for me?

JungKook: Who else would I do this for?

Y/n: You must have gone through a lot for this. It's beautiful. Thank You.

JungKook: Instead of telling me why don't you show me how greatful you are.

Y/n: What do you mean? ( I looked at him confused).

JungKook: Nevermind.


Y/n: Shouldn't we go pick up TaeKwon?

JungKook: He's staying with our parents for the night.

Y/n: Shouldn't we go home? It's getting late.

JungKook: Wait. I have one more thing.

He got up and ran away. After a few seconds, I heard soft music playing in the background as Jungkook reappear.

JungKook: Shall we dance, my lady.

He bowed down, his hands asked for mine.

Y/n: We shall, kind sir.

He took my hands as we glid over the grass, barefoot.

JungKook: I love you.

He grabbed my waist and kissed my lips.


Y/n: Bye!!! I LOVE YOU!

I waved as I walked onto the plane. 

JungKook & TaeKwon: We love You! 

I'll only be gone for a few days. Don't cry. 

???: excuse me? Do you need help finding your seat?

Y/n: Oh, hi. Um...sure.

???: Let me see.

I gave her my ticket.

???: You're seat is right over there. 

She pointed.

Y/n: Thank You.

???: You're welcome.

I smiled and walked to my seat. Wow. There are no more than 30 people on the plane. I guess it'll be a peaceful flight. I wonder where Taehyung is.  Just then someone stood above me.

???: Hi, is this seat ...

Y/n: I believe so.

???: It must be my lucky day I'm seatmate with a such a beautiful woman.

Y/n: Um, Thank You?

???: I'm Lee Si Jun.

Y/n: Hi, I'm Park Y/n.

After a few minutes, the plane took off. I took out some papers and started reading and analyzing them.  Ok.  All we have to do is seal the deal.  After this contract, I can go back to my old life. Away from Taehyung and troubles.  As I was concentrating on my work I felt cold hands going down my tights. I quickly looked up to see SiJun with a smirk on his face. I quickly moved my legs.

SiJun: Is someone shy? 

Y/n: What are you doing?

He leaned closer and whispered in my ears.

SiJun: Look like it's going to be you.

Y/n: You better stop or I'll scream.

SiJun: Let's see what happens if you do.

He slid his hands over my tights again.

I closed my eyes.

Y/n: Please, stop.

SiJun: Ouch. Let go.

???: The lady told you to stop.

SiJun: What is it to you?

???: I'm her boyfriend.

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