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supernatural ; hood

She claimed her name to be Annie. Annie Jane. Her name was just as beautiful as her face. I knew it was dangerous to get involved with humans, Jake reminded me this every day before I went to high school. I just couldn't help myself. When I first looked at her, she was getting teased by a bunch of boys, saying she was ugly and that her clothes didn't look good on her. I barged in, nearly exposing my kind to the humans, but when she touched my shoulder; something happened, I turned around and looked at her, and I was calm. I walked her to her next class, which in her wind-chime voice she said was math which I had, too.

In math class, I spent the whole period asking her questions, personal ones about her family and where she was from, or other random questions like what flowers she likes. She answered them all and that was the best thing, she was open to sharing her stories, hobbies, likes and dislikes. I offered for her to come over to my house tonight and she gladly agreed.

Jake and Liz, my guardians, were out the front before we even stepped foot onto the land of our large house. "Calum," Jake greeted me, "Who's this?"

I could tell by the way he was stealing glances at Annie that he was reading through her mind. One of Jake's powers was to look through every human experience that somebody had saved in the small memory humans had, and sometimes he was able to go beyond the persons memory and see things they didn't even remember. 

"Annie," I replied, even though I and Liz, too, knew that he already knew her name, and more about her than myself.

"Ah, Annie. Welcome." He held his hand out for Annie to shake and she smiled, shaking Jake's hand politely. Liz had greeted her and engaged her in a conversation while Jake and I had a silent one through thoughts.

I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking. I thought, knowing Jake was listening. I replayed the first time I saw her today and how I nearly exposed our kind. I noticed Jake's mouth open in astonishment of how only Annie had an effect on me that could calm me. He raised his eyebrows - as if to say, "Very well, then," - after I had finished the short show for him.

I took Annie inside and my three friends, Luke, Ashton and Michael were in the kitchen, the first place I went with Annie. "Calum!" Luke cheered, "Who's this? A human?" Luke's eyes darted to Annie and then to me. I watched Mike elbow him in the stomach, I smiled but it disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared on my face.

I gritted my teeth, knowing Annie couldn't hear, but the three boys in front of me could. My eyes narrowed at Luke, and he got my silent message. He mouthed, "Oh, sorry," and then more louder for Annie to hear, "Hi, sorry about the first thing I said, I forgot to take my pills this morning." He then flashed a grin.

"Oh," Annie looked uncomfortable, I cracked a smile. "Don't worry, he doesn't have a problem," I whispered in her ear. She bit her lip and looked at me. "Um, so the blond one is Luke, the one with the big muscles, that's Ashton, and the one with the coloured hair is Michael or Mike."

They all waved and Annie said hi. "If you'd excuse us.." I said, guiding Annie out of the kitchen and to my room.

"Are they your brothers? You don't look related... and Jake and Liz, do they look after you all?" I was expecting he to fire questions at me as soon as we were alone.

"Um, the boys are just my friends," I sat down on my bed, Annie following suit, "Jake and Liz found us when we were uh... looking for a place to stay, they don't have the legal right over us, the boys and I don't really know where we came from, but uh, we stay here." I had to edit a lot, and I just wanted to say to Annie, 'Hi, I'm Calum, I'm supernatural, I have crazy powers that not a lot of other humans of supernaturalists have.' It wasn't that easy, though.

"Can you tell me the full story?" I forgot she was observant, she knew when people were lying of sorts, "I won't tell anybody if you're uncomfortable about it."

"I'd rather not," I said and she looked offended, "Not that I don't want to tell you everything, believe me, I do. It's easier and safer for you."

It was safer for Annie because once a human knows about the supernatural, it breaks our laws. The supernatural have to steer clear of humans, because they may expose us. It's not easy, we save humans, so how are we supposed to do that without them noticing? Easy, in some ways. We have speed, invisibility, strength. And other powers we have been gifted with. All the crimes and natural disasters that humans see on the news, we see, too. We then go help, try make the world a better place for humans. If Annie found out about the supernatural world, she would have to be destroyed.

"Safer?" Annie asked, the confusion was clear in her voice. She had no idea what I was talking about, she just thought I was a normal human being with a bad past; abusive parents, drugs and alcohol with friends.

"Yes." Before I could say more, somebody knocked on the door. It was Jake. "Calum, can I speak to you for a minute," I nodded and told Annie to wait here, and that I would hopefully be back in five minutes.

I joined Jake out in the backyard. "Calum, it's very dangerous you bought Annie here, the rest of us don't have self-control," one of my powers, "like you do. It's hard for us to be human around humans."

I sighed. I should have expected this. "I know, like I said, I wasn't thinking. I was acting human, being a stupid humanly, teenage boy head over heels for a girl. I'm sorry."

"I know you are, don't apologize." This time Jake sighed. "You know the Monguri watch our every move." The Monguri were the supernaturalists cops. They had one guy apart of them, and once he looks at a certain face, he sees their every move. As soon as somebody finds out they're supernatural, they're taken to him, he memorizes your face and then he watches you. His mind must be pretty big if he keeps track of everybody.

"Yes, I know. What am I meant to do? I have to keep her safe, you saw it in my thoughts from today, I have a need to keep her breathing and happy." Another power most supernaturalists composed, when you see a certain someone, you have a need and want to make sure that wherever they go and whatever they do makes them happy. Annie was my certain person. Most supernaturalists do this on humans, and it doesn't mean for the human to know about us, it just means hat we keep them alive and smiling. When a supernatural person does it on one another, that's a different story, they instantly fall in love. It seems like I've done that with Annie, a mix of the two.

"You need to tell her about us."

"They'll kill-"

"No, they won't. They wont see this for the rest of the year. Make the most of it, son."




new story

I was gonna go with like they're superhero names in don't stop but cal-pal mike-ro-wave dr. fluke and smash aren't even that attractive wtf (still cute tho it's just not in the story)

I decided to write something different, and also bc supernatural calum gets me all ajehe vbrbgubibi vjviba3



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