thirty four

24 0 0

supernatural ; jane

"Do you want to road trip with me? We could go to Sydney or something," Calum suggested with a grin on his face.

A road trip didn't sound too bad right about now, but I was scared for what the outcome would be between Calum and myself. "Why don't we invite all the boys?" I blurted out, playing with the hem of my shirt.

"O-Oh yeah alright we can do that! I'll ask them, do you want to let your parents know?" He asked, grabbing his phone out.

I nodded and removed my legs off the top of his lap and proceeded to call my mum. I quickly told her that me and a few girlfriends were going on a road trip and that I would be gone for about a week and a half. She just sighed before dismissing me quickly.

"Mum alright with it?"

"As long as I'm not going around getting knocked up, she's alright with anything. Can we rent a van?" I asked, moving around the couch to sit on the coffee table. "Oh, we should leave like right now. I'm going to pack."

"Annie," Calum laughed. "Calm down for a second. We have a nine-seater van, the boys are gonna bring it here and they'll be here in like half an hour."

"Can we like go to the Sunshine Coast? I've never been there," he cut me off and told me to go pack and I quickly rushed upstairs.

I basically threw anything in my closet into a bag, figuring that if I need something I would just buy it. I couldn't contain my excitement, a road trip seemed so wonderful, especially at this point in time since graduation was over, and most of the dramas with the supernatural world was over for the present.

After finishing packing my bag, as well as shoving a pillow into it and having to sit on the actual bag to zip it up, I placed it next to the door as well as my purse. Sitting back down on the bed, the only thing that consumed my thoughts was Calum.

Random thoughts about Calum and I just floated it's way into my mind. The first time he and I went grocery shopping together, the first time I took him swimming and he pretended that me being able to do a flip in the water was a big deal. The first time I kissed him, the first time I told him I was in love with him.

I found myself in tears within five minutes of thinking of him. I missed Calum. I missed being close to him, sleeping with him. That's all I wanted to do right now, was to just kiss him and hug him and tell him everything was going to be okay.

I heard his footsteps rush up the staircase, and he called out my name worriedly. "Are you alright?" Calum asked me, pushing the door open with his hand.

I quickly wiped under my eyes and sniffled, nodding quickly. "Yeah, yeah, sorry. Just working myself up over little things, I suppose."

He didn't hesitate to sit next to me and wrap one arm around my shoulder, but he carefully pulled me into his chest as if I was about to jump out of his arms and into the air at any second. "There's nothing left to over-think, Annie. Everything will be okay for now."

It was silent for a few more seconds until he asked me, "Do you want to talk about it?"

I didn't know what came over me but within milliseconds I had pushed Calum down to the bed and swung one of my legs over his waist so I was now straddling him with my hands placed firmly on his chest. "I was thinking about you, Calum, I miss you so much, you don't even understand," I whined.

I guess I had leaned my face in a little bit because Calum reached a hand up and held my jaw softly but tight enough to keep me in a certain spot. "I do understand, Annie, but maybe we just aren't meant to end up together?" He had said this more as a question, like he didn't want to even think the words, let alone say them aloud.

"Calum, I am meant for you. I was literally made to come into this world and make your life better. We can get through all the bullshit because we have survived through the previous mess. I love you Calum, I need you, please."

"Annie - "

I cut him off by harshly pressing my mouth against his. He seemed to process what happened fairly quickly, grabbing my shoulders and going to push me off him but when I pushed my body harder against him he may have pulled me even closer.

"The boys are here," Calum sighed out of pleasure as I moved my lips down to his neck and kissed the spot right next to his Adam's apple.

"Yeah," I mumbled against his jaw.

"We need to stop. I can't do this to you or myself."

"Do what, Calum? Why is it so hard for you to just be with me and accept the fact that I, too, want to love you as much as you want to love me," I whispered, getting frustrated. The door was open, and I could hear the boys downstairs walking around the house and was starting to get nervous that they would walk in and see Calum and I like this.

I pushed myself off of him and stood up, walking over to the door and picking up my bag. "I'll see you out there."


a/n so short kys abby

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