Forty-Three - Culminating Amity

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Hope has a way of turning its face to you just when you least expect it. You walk in a room; you look out a window and something there leaves you breathless. You say to yourself, "It's been a while since I felt this, but it feels like it might be hope." 

'It Might Be Hope' by Mercy River 

Culminating Amity 

March 20th, 2009. Friday, 11:58 pm. 

The freezing air bit through Dick's new winter coat with relative ease; his gloveless hands, which were stuffed inside his pockets, weren't safe from the chilled weather. Even with all the protection Slade had forced him to put on, it wasn't completely keeping him as warm as he would've liked. Thank goodness he had listened to the man or else he'd be freezing his butt off even more. 

Gotham City was far different than Jump City around this time of year. While Jump was experiencing mild temperatures, Gotham just had a huge snowfall. Thus, Dick was currently trudging through almost a foot snow at that moment. 

But he didn't mind. 

There was a chilling puff of breath as he exhaled; his hands covering his icy nose. The nighttime darkness shadowed everything; only the waning crescent moon offered any true light. The graveyard was surrounded by dark buildings; the light from the ambient city shadowing the buildings and thus the graveyard even further. 

Dick glanced at the watch on his wrist and hurried through the snow covered ground. He wanted to be at the graves right at midnight. He'd be fifteen then. One more year older; one more year without them. Coming to his parents' grave was a bittersweet ritual that he did every year. Even after running away from Bruce, he had come back briefly to pay his respects, but he never did see Batman. Dick had always wondered if he'd see him, since Bruce knew of the ritual, but he never showed up to confront Dick. 

Dick had then figured that their relationship could never be repaired if Bruce couldn't even come and see him on this day of sorrow. 

But now, it wasn't just a day of sorrow for Dick, it was also a day of hope. He had something to tell his parents; something amazingly crazy and awesome – something that would reassure them that he was safe and being taken care of; that he was loved once again. 

Dick stopped suddenly as he came to the familiar stone. 

The gravestone was combined for the two of them. It was made of silver grey marble with a stone angel sitting in the middle. The angel was leaning forward with its arms outstretched over the two of them – as if in embracing protection. Dick knelt down in front of the graves and began to brush of the snow from the marble lettering, the snow biting into his skin; running his fingers carefully over their names. 

He tried very hard not to cry. 

After he was finished cleaning the grave, he sat back on his heels; uncaring that he was sitting in the cold, wet snow. He swallowed the lump in his throat. He did not want to start crying yet. He knew he would – it was just inevitable. But he wanted to say something to them before he broke down. Already he could tell his voice was going to crack and he couldn't blame it on puberty. 

"H–hi, Mama. Hi, Papa," said Dick softly with a small choke. He dropped his head to stare at his lap. "Been another year, huh. A... lot's happened. Something a little crazy, too." Dick chuckled and shook his head; his voice becoming stronger as he spoke. 

"Actually, it's super crazy. I was kidnapped. Now, before you get all worried, I can tell you everything's fine – obviously or I wouldn't be here right now." 

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