Twenty-One - A Matter of Morals

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"Ah, Mama! I'm so bored!" complained Dick, slamming the large book in his lap closed. He was dying of boredom. He shouldn't have learned how to read so fast. Now his mother was expecting more from him. He really needed to stop being so smart like his mother kept telling him all the time. Now she was making him read what had to be the most difficult and boring book – to a six year old, at least – in the world. 

"Dick," chided his mother gently, her voice lilting with her Romanian accent. "You know you're supposed to read your Bible every day." 

"But it's sooo boring!" cried Dick, folding his arms grumpily; glaring at the offending black book. "They speak all backwards and they can't even spell right. What is this, shew or show? Say it right already!" Dick shook his head in exasperation. "Honestly, Mama, don't they know anything?" 

Mary Grayson chuckled lightly. She set the dish she was washing aside, drying her hands on a towel, before coming to sit next to Dick on the couch. 

"Come and sit," said Mary, patting her lap once. Dick happily scrambled into his mother's lap, leaving the book behind. He settled with a contented smile as Mary wrapped her arms around him. Her warmth and softness was so wonderful. He wiggled happily. Mary grabbed the Bible from the couch and set it into Dick's lap. 

"You weren't supposed to close it." 

"You learn more that way," reasoned Dick mischievously. Mary giggled at that and opened the book. 

"Oh, I see. You seem very knowledgeable for a little boy." 

Dick shrugged. "I try." 

"All right, enough sillies. Where were you reading?" 

"I dunno..." 


"Fiiine. I dunno, there were a lot of 'thou shalt nots'. Started to drive me crazy!" 

"Mmm, I know exactly where that is," said Mary with a hum in her voice; fingering through the aged book with expertness. Dick looked up at his mother, his large blue eyes blinking curiously. 

"Do you have the Bible memorized, Mama?" 

"I might. Just so I can explain away all my mother logic when you get older – just to keep you out of mischief." 

"I never get into mischief!" 

"Mmm, my little robin... Are you quite sure of that?" asked Mary with a light smile, her r's trilling slightly as she said his nickname. Dick pouted for a moment and he shrugged. 

"Well, no more than what's healthy for a six year old." 

Mary giggled. "I always forget that. You seem so much older sometimes. You really amaze me." 

Dick felt a little glow of pride in his chest. He wiggled in her lap as he straightened. Mary stopped fingering through the gilded edges of the pages until she came to a section in the book of Exodus. 

"Here we go," said Mary with a smile in her voice. "You were reading in chapter twenty. Did you know there are some very special things in this chapter? Special little gemstones of knowledge." 

Dick's ears perked. While he didn't realize it, his mother knew just how to weave the interesting into such things. She knew exactly how to teach her little one. And since Dick was always thirsty to learn, she never needed to do much prodding. 

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