Forty-One - Titans Together

Start from the beginning

It was nice to have one looking out for him, finally

"Thanks," murmured Dick, before continuing along the pathway upward towards the enormous tower. As he walked along the path, the tension in his stomach began to squirm and flutter nervously. He had decided to face the Titans without a mask again. He hadn't been Robin in over six months. Even when going out on those two missions, he hadn't felt like Robin. No, he was Dick Grayson and that's who he wanted to face his friends. After all, it was Dick who had been adopted, not really Robin. 

'No, this is about Slade Wilson and Richard Grayson.' 

And that was fully true – the adoption had nothing to do with Slade and Robin, but everything to do with Slade Wilson and Dick Grayson. Even for Slade now, the outward identities that they both had built for themselves had now fallen to the wayside for their true and far better identity. 

Father and son. 

And there was no better identity than that for Dick. 

Finally, Dick stood outside the large door of Titans Tower, far more nervous than he'd ever been in his entire life. This was going to be sooo awkward. Yup, there was no doubt about that. But he had good news – the best news in the entire world. 

Slade wasn't going to be a mercenary any more. Slade wasn't going to be an assassin any more. His father wasn't going to be a criminal. It was the best and strangest thing to think that, but Dick put on a smile. It made him all the more happy in the world to be able to think that. 

Dick placed his hand over the security pad. The systems scanned his hand print and the giant door opened. Setting a nervous smile on his face, he walked inside. Passing by the lines of soft arm chairs and walking up the red carpeted stairs, he swallowed nervously as he pressed the elevator button. This wasn't going to be easy. Finally, the elevator arrived and Dick waited with belly flops as it rose to the floor with the main room. He was pretty sure the belly flops weren't caused by the elevator. 

As the elevator doors opened, Dick walked down the familiar corridor. He took deep calming breaths. Being in the Tower after such a long time was getting to him. There was a powerful amount of emotion rising up inside his chest; twisting and constricting his heart ever so tenderly and firmly in contrasting waves. 

Maybe he should've worn the mask after all... 

He reached the main room doors and it opened automatically as he got close to it. So much for calming his nerves... 

"Robin!" cried a happy, blithe voice. A strong body suddenly collided with Dick – nearly knocking him over – and arms wrapped around him. Dick was frozen for a moment, shocked by the sudden hug; but soon, with a smile, he lifted his hands and managed to return Starfire's warm and slightly crushing hug. It had been so long since he had one of these. They really did make everything just a little better. 

"Hey, Star," said Dick softly; feeling a small bit of heat creep into his cheeks. He allowed himself to tighten his hold around her, breathing in softly. How he had missed her. After a moment, Starfire pulled back and smiled at him. 

"It is glorious that you have come back home," said Starfire. 

"Thanks, Star," said Dick; his face flushing even more. He wasn't sure why that was happening – why the heck would he be feeling this way now? He tried to smile. The warmth in his face grew as Starfire kindly smiled back. What the heck was going on? 

"Ho—how's everything going?" asked Dick, rubbing the back of his neck and wishing he could rub away the incessant warmth. He was seriously praying his cheeks weren't completely beet red. 

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