Chapter 2

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"Y'know what? I kinda like blonde Adam better than brunette Adam.." Blake slurred.

Adam had taken Blake's offer on having a drink. Blake apparently had one too many.

Adam watched in amusement as Blake rambled on and on about the perfection of his new look. After the tailgate Adam went home and sat with his phone in hand for nearly an hour contemplating whether he should give Blake a call or not.

As much as Adam loved spending time with Blake, it also brought him great distress. His hands would sweat, his breathing would become shallow, on the verge of a near panic attack. It was stupid really. He gave himself all this unwanted anxiety because his brain went into never ending cycles of thinking about the drawbacks of admitting his love.

"Y'know what we should do right now? Y'know what we should do? Like we shouldn't even tell anyone we're just so gonna do it..." Blake rambled, not making any sense.

"What should we do Blake?" Asked Adam, who was still half way through his first beer and not even buzzed yet.

"We should just... We should, uh, dye my hair blonde. Let's do it."

"Blake. I think you've had enough."

"No seriously Adam, look at me, let's do it. C'mon."

Adam attempted to snatch the beer settled in Blake's hand and froze as he felt Blake seize his wrist.

"Your hand is so soft Adam..."

Adam's heart was going a mile a minute. He couldn't handle it.

Blake Shelton is holding my hand.

His breathing sped up and his hand began to get clammy. Blake didn't seem to notice, or maybe he just didn't care.

Adam struggled to pull his wrist out of Blake's firm grasp. Blake was too drunk to realize any of Adam's distress signals.

When he finally got loose he made his way to the bathroom leaving Blake alone with his drunken thoughts.

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