"You're not getting me without a fight so... good luck"

"We figured you wouldn't come in willingly, that why we suited up"

"Enough chit-chat lets fight" Natasha piped up

"Oh its on!!!"

Natasha immediately launched herself at me throwing wild slices with her knives, but when she saw that I was dodging all her attacks, wasn't getting tired and still didn't have any weapon out she calmly started to back away so others could do damage. Clint had sauntered off to a higher platform to be able to get a good shot with his bow and arrow. Tony started shooting beams at me, Natasha shot at me with her handguns, Clint fired arrows at me, Steve threw his shield at me and Thor readied the lightning. Tony, Clint and Natasha's attacks were easy enough to dodge and I simply caught Steve's shield. Thor hadn't attacked yet.

"Guys don't you think you're being a little unfair to him, let's go at him one by one." Pepper said with pride, she reminds me so much of Annabeth... (no stop thinking about her she betrayed you just like all the others), hehe she thinks that they were tiring me.

"I would like to go first if I may. It will be a great honour to battle you." Thor said.

"I'm not that amazing" I replied feeling my cheeks start to go red.

"Modest too. All the legends are point blanc accurate" If I get any redder I will look like a sunburnt tomato. Can tomatoes get sunburnt...? shut up brain! stupid ADHD.

"Sure let's fight. But wait... are powers allowed?"

"This is a real battle remember we are still trying to take you in to our boss" Thor droned on.

"That was a very long explanation for you to say yes" Tony snickered at my response.

"Well at least you aren't giggling anymore Tony" To this remark, brought to you by moi, Tony decided it would be better to just shut up. Smart move Tony, smart move.

Me and Thor took our stances and Thor started of by summoning lightning but I couldn't get hurt so I let it hit me. Everybody gasped and there was smoke everywhere. Hah, they don't know that nothing can hurt me except for my own emotions, anyways to have a little laugh I decided to act like I was dead just to see their reaction. When the smoked cleared I heard everyone gasp yet again.

"Thor you killed him!" I think it was Pepper exclaimed. She also reminds me of my mother a lot.

"No its okay he's only unconscious you see his chest is still moving" Bruce pointed out, to be honest he's quite quiet, its the first time I've heard him speak.

"He's supposed to be a lot stronger than that"

"He's only mortal dude it's not like he's a god or stronger than you or any of us" If only he knew...

"Since he is unconscious I'll just bring him to the van" Thor decided. But as he was bending over me I punched him in the gut. I hit him so hard that he flies down the beach and landed in the sea.

"Tony don't you know not to judge someone by their appearance, its rude young man, or in other words don't judge a book by its cover."

"I'm older than you kid"

"Don't be so sure of yourself, mortal" I said mysteriously but before he could ask any questions Thor came limping forward and now seeing that his light show didn't even faze me, he threw his hammer at me which hit me square in the chest. Let's just say that area that I landed in now has less sand... I had created a crater and Thor's idiotic hammer was on my chest. (AN: when I wrote this I laughed because this happened in the first thor movie to Loki and he couldn't get up... his face though...hahahahah)

Why? Why betray me? (a Percy Jackson fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now