A Little To Late

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I said I was changing Will and Elijah face so here it is also Q and Sebastian face. Remember Vote and Comment I'll update faster and more.

GUESS WHAT Y'ALL! This is the last chapter of this book 😱😱😱. I decided not do the reunion. But anyways I am so excited for the next book y'all don't understand. It would be so much shit it will make you rethink life. This chapter I will probably be doing every character I'm not sure. I want to end this book with a bang. Oh and in my next book there would be a time leap so be prepared for that.

3 hours later

I was in my room thinking of what happened. I honestly thought Jade was lying. I knew Will was fucked up but I didn't know he was that fucked up it. Layla and then was mad at me but I didn't care.

"Girl today was to much" Temptress said walking in my room.

"Tell me about it" I said shaking my head.

"You talked to Will yet" I asked her.

She said she wasn't going to break up with him. I didn't ask for a reason I didn't care enough to do so.

"Yea he got his stitches and that guy Eli stabbed him so hard that the knife went into his bone so when it was pulled out it snapped the bone" she said shaking her head.

"You know Jade hang out with crazy people you know that nigga was crazy" I said laying back.

"Yea but anyways you think that guy Q going to get her back" she asked.

"Shit I don't know I thought she'll be dead by now I was looking for shit to wear to the funeral but Q is fine as hell" I said to her.

"Girl you better chill" she said with a laugh.

"What you think him and Jade a think" I asked her.

"Shit probably" she said.

"What about Elijah, or Zion" I said.

"I don't know Zion is the only nigga Jade hangs around with that doesn't give her a problem or get her in trouble with anyone" she said.

She was right Zion is the only one. Before Jade dated Chase he was a fuck nigga and she knows it same with DayDay but she still fucked with them. Noel had serious trust issues funny considering how they ended. Elijah is a handful and I barely know him just a sex addict. And Q that nigga is worse than all of them especially with the shit he does and get her into. Maybe she sleeping on Zion because he's the nice guy. I never even heard him cuss before. Ever heard the saying nice guy finish last well that's a prime example. Everyone knows Zion like Jade but it seems like Jade doesn't know it.

"They going to break apart and not be friends no more soon I can feel it" I said with a shrug.

And I ain't doing shit I'm just going to watch it. He's going notice he ain't going to get her and since he smart he sure as hell ain't going to watch her date other niggas.

"I swear you be praying on that girl down fall huh" Temptress said with a laugh.

"Girl don't even start with that shit" I said to her.

I heard the front door open and moments later heard someone come up the stairs.

I seen my mom walked past my room but stopped and came in.

"Jelena where is your sister" she asked.

"Which one" I asked her.

"Jade the one I haven't seen or heard from in two damn days I'm worried and I'm sick of y'all lying so you better spill it" she said to me.

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