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  Life goes on, it gets so heavy
The wheel breaks the butterfly
Every tear a waterfall
In the night, the stormy night, she'd close her eyes
In the night, the stormy night, away she'd fly

And dream of



I wake up suddenly feeling the presence of someone in my room. Someone whose touch helped me to fight my demons out for today.

 I switch on the side lamp and walk downstairs to mom's room to see if she came upstairs. But to my surprise, she is still sleeping. I walk up to my room back and go to the balcony to catch any traces of disturbance on the street but it is still silent as before. 

"Maybe it was an illusion. I should go back to sleep."

I try to sleep hard but it has gone far away. So instead I open my emails to check out if there is any response from Amy. And there it is Amy's reply:

  Oh, poor Vee,

I won't make you feel neglected this time I promise, I will be yours but let me bring Jason too. You know I can't live without him for that much longer period of time.Please..... I won't bring him to any of our girls night. Please Vee, pretty please(with puppy dog eye).

I knew you will get that internship. My bestie is very talented and now the world is going to see that too. I am surprised that they didn't offer you the permanent job there.

And about my school, everything is very much the same as before - lots of assignments, projects, tests et cetera et cetera. I am very busy nowadays, I wish you could have been here so that you would have helped me with studies like before and yes I have joined the dance club too. 

What's going on with your school? Any new friends? Waiting to meet you...



I always feel very special when I read her emails. I love her so much. I will reply to her at night, I think as I close my laptop and keep it on my table where my eyes fall on the novel which Mr. Alex gave in his class. 

"I am not sleepy and there is time for school. I should read this novel."

I go to the balcony and sit on one of the chairs placed in a corner.  The sun rose like a flower blossoming, gifting its petals unto the world. Amidst the dancing, raindrops are the blush of scarlet, the warmth of tangerine. Gazing towards the illuminated clouds, still beneath the ethereal glow.

 Gazing towards the illuminated clouds, still beneath the ethereal glow

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 I  stretch up my hand to the sky. "Under the sun we are all the same," I  think, and I let the soft amber glow of the sunrise pour through my fingers and onto my upturned face. The sun itself has barely risen and the city has the subdued quiet of dawn. 

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