1. Money Problems

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Lemme tell y'all wassup. So when y'all start reading of course shit ain't gone pop off right then and there. Well not in my book. You gotta get to know the characters. I'm not about to have mfers meeting in chapter 1 and fucking and loving each other in chapter 3. This isn't a short story so you gotta be patient. Now what I can tell y'all is once you reach chapter 9 and 10 (honestly a lot of shit happens throughout the book but the things y'all want to know which is in the description starts in those chapters) and so on you won't be able to stop reading. But don't stop reading because things aren't getting rushed and coming quick enough. Trust me it's all worth the wait. You'll see for yourself if you keep reading. If you stop you're missing out on a a lot of shit. Ask anybody in my comments they'll let you know.

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"Milly, you up for school?" My older cousin, Quinn asked. I mumbled to myself as I got off the couch I was laying on. I have my own room, but instead of having a bed, I have a small couch. It's better than nothing right?

I slowly walked out my room and across the small hall to the bathroom. I saw Quinn walking towards the kitchen on his phone, asking how much they're willing to pay. I sighed and shook my head. Quinn's a hitman since he can't get a job with all the felonies on his background, and I'm scared one of these days he's going to get caught up with everything he's been doing.

Even though he have almost everybody scared of him, it's fear that makes people pull the trigger. It's your life or theirs. Who you think they're going to choose?

I took my shower before wrapping my body in a towel and quickly walked back in my room. I threw on my undergarments, a grey tank top, black skinny jeans, my grey forces and black jacket. Something simple and matching for school.

I looked in my body length mirror and stared back at myself. People gives me compliments, but I never understood why. People also makes negative comments about me and I understood completely.

To me, I'm nothing to be proud of.
I'm brown skinned, some people would say caramel, I'm on the tall side since I'm 5'7. I'm very skinny except I have a bit of butt....in certain pants. My dark brown hair stops directly underneath my shoulder blades and I have dark brown eyes. Nothing to be excited about...right?

"Milly come on now! I have somewhere to go and you can't be late!" Quinn yelled as I heard the front door open. I quickly grabbed my backpack and purse before rushing out my bedroom door, knowing Quinn will leave me at home...again.

"So listen I know you tired of that couch and I'm close as fuck  to finally getting you a bed, just be patient I'm trying man, lord knows I am." Quinn said sighing and I smiled at him. "Take your time bro, the couch isn't bad at all."

I said looking down as my iPhone vibrated. I know what you're saying "how the hell you got a iPhone but not a damn bed?". Well it's easy for him to steal a phone, but not a big ass bed.

"I appreciate you not giving me a hard time. I know shit is rough now, especially since Tete Lauren ain't here no more, but I promised to look after you and that's what I'm gone do. I just need time to make shit right." He said, referring to my mom. She died last year of cancer, and she made sure Quinn was the one to take care of me. The rest of our family never gave a fuck about us, which is the reason why Quinn and I was the only ones at her funeral.

Things aren't so different because even when she was alive, we were still a struggling family.
"How them grades looking?" He asked and I smiled.

"Now that you mentioned it, my principal and school counselor told me I have a very high chance of getting into Princeton! You know that's my dream college Quinton!....there's a problem though...you know money problems...". He smiled big as he parked in my school parking lot.

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