t h i r t y t h r e e

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My body froze as him eyes looked straight into mine, he was surrounded by mature looking business men who were all trying to have a conversation with him.

Lily dragged me by the arm over to the bar, letting the other girls follow while the boys went to talk to Harry "he's not spoiling our night, we are staying here for a few hours getting drunk then moving onto the town bars and guess what we're doing then? Getting more drunk" lily cheered handing us all a martini

"Don't worry Maddie, we have your back. Now let's strut our way over to the dance floor meanwhile sending dirty looks Harry's way" Malia scoffed linking into me as we proudly walked over to the dance floor.

"Who's party even is this?" I shouted over the music

"I have no idea, the boys were invited" Lottie shouted back as we all laughed unsure if we were even invited.

The venue was very elegant but it didn't matter to us, we were happy getting drunk and dancing like idiots probably embarrassing ourselves. It got to about just over an hour after we arrived and I was definitely feeling the alcohol, I was dancing in the most sluttiest way but I didn't care because no one else around me did.

I spun around so I was facing Esmae but instead i tripped over her foot landing into someone "I'm so sorry" I slurred

"It's ok...Madison?" He replied back

"That's my name don't wear it out" I winked taking a step back so there was actually some space between us

"Well Madison you look very beautiful tonight, as I'm sure you do all the time of course" he had a very very strong posh English accent, I kinda liked it

"Thank you person I do not know the name off" I smiled politely even though I was actually being very rude

"Douglas" he smiled back

"Omg!" I squealed "your that actor that was in the movie with Miley Cyrus"

"Yes, I am that person" he chuckled

"Omg it's so nice to meet you" I hugged him a little bit tighter that normally due to the alcohol

"I need her" a familiar voice spoke dragging me harshly away from Douglas through a door into the cold air

"You have no right" I said pulling my arm away from his grip turning around on my heal to make my way back into the venue until Harry's hand once again connected with my wrist

"I want to talk to you" I sternly spoke

"No Harry, you don't get to boss me around anymore! You fled the country not telling any of us where you were, if you were safe leaving us all-mostly me- to be worried sick about you. You don't get to just show up again demanding to finally speak to me after repeatedly blanking my calls and texts. It doesn't fucking work like that" I shouted once again pulling my hand from his grip

"Please Madison, I just want to apologise" he said still keeping his voice low

"No Harry, it don't need an apology because..." I tried to rethink my next words but it just came out too soon "because it's over!"

"It's been over ever since you left Kos" he spat at me

"Great, then we're done here" I shouted turning around making my way back to the party

"Fucking fantastic" I head him shout

"We're leaving, this parties shit" I rolled my eyes as I joined back with the girls

"Finally someone said it" lily clapped going glitter find the boys to tell them we were leaving

"I'm going now, if you ever want to meet up again here's my number" I smiled handing Douglas the surfeit

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