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"Miss Sandovël, you are very drunk" Niall smiled at me as we were leaving Simons party

"As are you, mr Horan" I raised the glass of whine I  pinched from the party

"Well Lou we are lucky we didn't bring phoebe and daisy because we are MORTALLLLL!!" Lottie cheered

Someone dragged my dress making my back crash into their front "you Madison are a disgrace" they laughed in my ear

"Haz, I'm calling you that k" he nodded in approval before I followed on "you don't get to call me that because I can smell that alcohol and I can also see the way you are trying your hardest to walk in a straight line. So stop being such a Grandad and parT"

"Your wild" he shook his head

Everyone was getting in the car when Harry grabbed my hand

"Bye Baby" he winked

"Was that a 50 shades quote" I questioned him, that was our topic for the night basically me saying that I was dying to watch 50 shades freed when it comes out and then him saying how he's only watched half on the first one... honestly why does she complain when he whips her 1-she told him to do it 2-who would complain when he's that unreal

"I'm dropping hints" he smirked

"Madison" a loud voice shouted before the owner of the voice dragged me away out of Harry's grip "we are leaving"

"You can't just take her away" Harry said softly holding my wrist

"Why are you being like this luke" I softly spoke to which he ignored "bye Harry"

"Your actually going" he laughed back at me

"I'll see you some other time yeah" I bit my lip looking round at the flashes that were going off around us from the cameras

"Will you fuck" luke spat at me before dragging me away to his car

A hard shove on my arm took me out of the memory I had last night and brung me back to the reality of sitting eating at my table, I came home early this morning

"You and Malia need to stop going out drinking so much, it's getting beyond a joke" my mother shook her head at me

"See me and her are both over the age of 18 so you can't tell us what to do anymore, Malia might listen but I dont" I shrugged

"You have no respect for me anymore" she sent me a disapproval look

"I do your my mother and I was raised to respect my elders, but see I tried listening to you and my life was pretty boring. So sorry but you have your perfect child upstairs so I'll just stick to being myself" I blew her a kiss before rolling my eyes

"Mad I'm so hungover" Malia walked out her room holding her head

"You look like utter shit babe" I laughed "but same so it's ok" I laughed taking my dressing gown off leaving me in my underwear as I lay next to her in her bed

"How did we even get that drunk" she laughed, the best part of waking up with someone you've been out drinking with is talking about what happened the night before when you's are hungover. Honestly it's amazing

"I don't know, I just remember Simon doing a speech and telling the bar people to make the drinks extra strong and then everyone falling over and laughing. It was a good night" I smiled to myself

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