f o u r t e e n

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We sat on Lily's bed scrolling through our social medias while eating the £40 worth of dominos we had just ordered

"So how do you feel about Harry" she looked up from her phone

My heart stopped, this is the first time someone's ever asked me about Harry and honestly I had no idea what to say

I hesitated for a while before answering attempting to avoid the real answer to the question "I'm pissed off about my knee and foot but I know he had his best interest at heart" I nodded biting into a chicken strip

"That's not what I meant" she smirked "you knew exactly what I meant"

"He's a friend and that's all" I lied

"I don't think that's the way he sees you, i noticed how he was looking at you at the party. You don't just give a friend that look"

"He doesn't like me in that way" I shook my head, the memory of our kiss coming straight into my head without thinking my mouth opened "if he did he would of spoke to me after our kiss"

Her eyes widened and a massive smile formed "I knew it, and when was this kiss"

"The morning after that lad, it didn't mean to happen but it just did. I guess I'm just confused"

"Awh Maddie" she pouted hugging into me

"Bye Lil" I waved as I got into my car

I turned the radio down so I could think, I don't want to lie to myself anymore and tell myself that I'm not happy that Luke finished things and moved away, and that I'm so pissed off at Harry for taking me home and spoiling my fun, that I hated the kiss and I wished it never happened ... that I don't love him

Truth is I'm so glad I'm single, I love the fact Harry cares enough he feels the need to bring me home, I get mad butterflies when I think of the kiss and fuck I fucking love Harry Styles

I pulled up outside my front door and got out the car locking it before entering my house, which was more like a ghost town

I love being at Lily's her house is small and cosy, there are people constantly in it making you feel welcome as soon as you walk through the door. It wasn't a show house mansion like mine was, it was a cosy family home and I loved it

"Have fun?" Malia mumbled not taking her eyes away from her phone

"You don't understand how pathetic your being right now, don't you remember the Malia who didn't walk round in expensive branded clothing, the fun cool sister which all my friends dreamed of having. I miss her so much, I miss how not judgmental she was and even if I fucked up she would laugh it off and tell me a story of how she had done the same thing." I said raising my voice a little "I used to look up to that Malia but now all I see when I look at her is a suck up, fancy bitch who is just like her fucking mother"

Her mouth gaped open in shock "Madison you need to get some respect"

"Just like I told mum, I do have respect just not for people who don't accept me for me and want me to be some perfect doll. Wake up and see how stupid you look and sound, stop looking through mums eyes and look around. We have brought ourselves up and she thinks buying expensive stuff will not make us realise that, look at our parents they hardly speak or have time for each other because they are constantly at work for money they don't even need. Dads obviously fucking some younger girl"

"Stop right there!" She shouted

"No you stop, call me when you fucking wake up and realise how pathetic and not perfect you are. See you in hell Malia" I screamed before running out the front door, slamming it behind me before speeding off to fuck knows where


These past few days have been boring as fuck, I wish I could speak to her but honestly I haven't got a clue what to say

Liam had warned me that Malia had come home and that I might get payed a visit of her because she was pissed at the fact I hurt her little sister but also very grateful that I somehow saved her

I sat in my living room on the 3rd floor, this floor was honestly my favourite. It had a giant living room and a food place in the other room which literally had every junk food possible in it.

What I loved about it the most is it's where we wrote most of the songs because of the feelings you get when your in this room. It had a glass wall which showed all of London. The lights. The people. The life.

As I sat in my chair looking and admiring the city lights and the night in the dim room, A car pulled up into my drive. The car that had one of the Sandovël sisters in it, if not both.

Either way I was getting my arse kicked, nerves filled up inside of me as I bit my lip hard. I didn't know why I was so scared of seeing one or both of them

But somehow all of that disappeared as Madison got out. She was pissed and upset but I just new it wasn't because of me, even when she looked like this she was still more beautiful than any person or city view I had ever seen

I ran down the stairs to meet her at the bottom, she held my key tightly in one hand before throwing it on the table and falling into my arms crying softly

I didn't say anything, I had learnt that from growing up in a house with two girls and no men. When a female is upset you don't talk to them for a while, you just hold them tightly, that would be enough to make them know their ok... or get them McDonald's or something that always works too

"What's up" I whispered

She looked up to me through her eye lash extensions opening her mouth before closing it again before finally speaking up "can we go somewhere else"

I smiled taking her hand and leading her up to my favourite place "sit down I will go and get us something to drink"

I arrived back to the room to see her sitting staring out the window, if I could I would have just let her sit there while I stared at how beautiful she looked

"For a second I almost though you were taking me up to your bedroom" she smiled "well don't just stand there starring"

A little laugh finished off her words, I honestly felt like that year 7 who gets chose by the pretty year 11 to help her with her lunch tray or something

"Go on then, tell me what's up" I said not letting my eyes lose contact with hers

"Malia" she breathed "she doesn't understand, since she's been back all we've done is argue. I miss the old Malia like if you had met her you would wish she wasn't the person she was today"

"What was she like?" I asked

"Fun, like someone had made in her a lab with all the qualities you would want in a big sister. She would party with me and she wasn't judgmental at all because she understood what it was like to be young and have a mother like we do" she said staring out the window "now when I look at her all I see is my mother"

Her eyes joined back to mine, her eyes were glossy and I could see that she wanted to cry but she was fighting it. She was in leggings and a hoodie, her hair was in a messy effortless bun and her face was bare but still she was fucking gorgeous and I couldn't help myself

I pulled her of the chair and onto my lap kissing her, the sadness left her and a smile appeared on her lips

"Madison Isla Sandovël I love you so much" I breathed

Is it just Britain that has Dominoes? or it is just England? Never heard of anyone other than English people talk about it 😂

.L x

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